
Handbook of massive data sets. (English) Zbl 0986.00022

Massive Computing. 4. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. xii, 1223 p. (2002).

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Indexed articles:
Broder, Andrei; Henzinger, Monika, Algorithmic aspects of information retrieval on the web, 3-23 [Zbl 0994.68568]
Najork, Marc; Heydon, Allan, High-performance web crawling, 25-45 [Zbl 0994.68569]
Coffman, K. G.; Odlyzko, A. M., Internet growth: Is there a ”Moore’s law” for data traffic?, 47-93 [Zbl 0994.68570]
Aiello, William; Chung, Fan; Lu, Linyuan, Random evolution in massive graphs, 97-122 [Zbl 1024.68073]
Goldreich, Oded, Property testing in massive graphs, 123-147 [Zbl 1010.68098]
Apostolico, Alberto; Crochemore, Maxime, String pattern matching for a deluge survival kit, 151-194 [Zbl 1021.68029]
Baeza-Yates, Ricardo; Moffat, Alistair; Navarro, Gonzalo, Searching large text collections, 195-243 [Zbl 1024.68022]
Salomon, David, Data compression, 245-309 [Zbl 1008.68051]
Arge, Lars, External memory data structures, 313-357 [Zbl 1010.68039]
Vitter, Jeffrey Scott, External memory algorithms, 359-416 [Zbl 1010.68040]
Dulá, José H.; López, Francisco J., Data envelopment analysis (DEA) in massive data sets, 419-437 [Zbl 1010.68041]
Bradley, P. S.; Mangasarian, O. L.; Musicant, D. R., Optimization methods in massive data sets, 439-471 [Zbl 1024.68019]
Murtagh, Fionn; Starck, Jean-Luc, Wavelets and multiscale transform in astronomical image processing, 473-500 [Zbl 1010.68208]
Murtagh, Fionn, Clustering in massive data sets, 501-543 [Zbl 1010.68042]
Riedewald, Mirek; Agrawal, Divyakant; El Abbadi, Amr, Managing and analyzing massive data sets with data cubes, 547-578 [Zbl 1024.68026]
DuMouchel, William, Data squashing: Constructing summary data sets., 579-591 [Zbl 1050.68027]
Ganti, Venkatesh; Ramakrishnan, Raghu, Mining and monitoring evolving data, 593-642 [Zbl 1010.68054]
Goodchild, Michael F.; Clarke, Keith C., Data quality in massive data sets, 643-659 [Zbl 1010.68043]
Johnson, Theodore, Data warehousing, 661-710 [Zbl 1010.68055]
Kotidis, Yannis, Aggregate view management in data warehouses, 711-741 [Zbl 1010.68056]
Suciu, Dan, Semistructured data and XML, 743-788 [Zbl 1021.68028]
van der Steen, Aad J.; Dongarra, Jack, Overview of high performance computers, 791-852 [Zbl 1010.68020]
Grossman, Robert; Hollebeek, Robert, The national scalable cluster project: Three lessons about high performance data mining and data intensive computing, 853-874 [Zbl 1010.68057]
Rajasekaran, Sanguthevar, Sorting and selection on parallel disk models, 875-892 [Zbl 1010.68050]
Hume, Andrew, Billing in the large, 895-909 [Zbl 1010.68044]
Cahill, Michael H.; Lambert, Diane; Pinheiro, José C.; Sun, Don X., Detecting fraud in the real world, 911-929 [Zbl 1010.68064]
Brunner, Robert J.; Djorgovski, S. George; Prince, Thomas A.; Szalay, Alex S., Massive datasets in astronomy, 931-979 [Zbl 1011.68850]
Günther, Oliver, Data management in environmental information systems, 981-1091 [Zbl 1010.68045]
Yang, Ruixin; Kafatos, Menas, Massive data sets issues in Earth observing, 1093-1140 [Zbl 1027.68526]
Ma, Qicheng; Wang, Jason T. L.; Gattiker, James R., Mining biomolecular data using background knowledge and artificial neural networks, 1141-1168 [Zbl 1010.68046]
Zlatev, Zahari, Massive data set issues in air pollution modelling, 1169-1220 [Zbl 1027.68737]


00B15 Collections of articles of miscellaneous specific interest
68-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to computer science
68-00 General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) pertaining to computer science