
Affine isometric embedding for surfaces. (English) Zbl 0978.53019

The Euclidean Weyl-problem states that any Riemannian metric with positive curvature on a differentiable 2-sphere can be realized as an ovaloid in Euclidean 3-space, and due to Cohn-Vossen’s result the ovaloid is unique. So far, the analogous existence problem for the Blaschke metric is unsolved; this problem sometimes is called the affine Weyl problem. The author studies the local and global isometric embedding problem for a positive definite Blaschke metric. He derives an elliptic system of PDE for the coefficients of the cubic Pick form, using a complex representation; from this it follows that, locally, any Riemannian metric can be realized as a locally strongly convex Blaschke surface. Moreover, he shows that there exist metrics near to a constant curvature metric on a differentiable 2-sphere which globally cannot be realized as Blaschke metrics.
The reviewer would like to add the following remarks which also concern some questions and remarks of the author.
(i) Given a metric of constant positive curvature on a differentiable \(n\)-sphere, any realization as Blaschke metric is unique. See the problem list, p. 3, commentary to problem 7 in the proceedings volume [W. H. Chen, A.-M. Li, the reviewer, L. Verstraelen, C. P. Wang, and M. Wiehe, Geometry and topology of submanifolds X (2000; Zbl 0954.00038)].
(ii) See problems 15 and 17 in the problem list for further comments on the realization of metrics as Blaschke metric.
(iii) Associated infinitesimal rigidity problems were studied by several authors, see, e.g., M. Wiehe, “Remarks on affine variations of ellipsoids” [Geometry and topology of submanifolds IX, 221–224 (1999)].
(iv) Necessary and sufficient conditions for a local realization of definite and indefinite metrics as Blaschke metrics of affine 2-spheres were proved in [the reviewer and C. P. Wang, Proc. Symp. Pure Math. 54, Part 3, 585–598 (1993; Zbl 0804.53013)]. See also B. Opozda, “On the realization of connections on affine minimal surfaces and affine spheres” [Geometry and topology of submanifolds X, 216-230 (2000; Zbl 0997.53008)].
(v) Concerning the author’s question for a global solution on \(S^2\) of his equation (7) for the complexified Pick form, the relation \(K = J+H\) (\(K=\) curvature of the Blaschke metric, \(J =\) Pick invariant, \(H =\) affine mean curvature) implies that \(K-J\) must be positive at least somewhere on the parameter manifold \(S^2\). This might give obstructions for a solution, if the metric is given.
(vi) Calabi posed the global realization problem for the conormal connection (affine Minkowski problem); the solution is given in section 5 of [U. Pinkall, A. Schwenk-Schellschmidt and the reviewer, Math. Ann. 298, 89-100 (1994; Zbl 0934.53029)].
Reviewer: Udo Simon (Berlin)


53A15 Affine differential geometry
53C40 Global submanifolds
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