
Advances in cryptology - ASIACRYPT 2001. 7th international conference on the theory and application of cryptology and information security, Gold Coast, Australia, December 9–13, 2001. Proceedings. (English) Zbl 0977.00048

Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2248. Berlin: Springer. xi, 603 p. (2001).

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The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually. The preceding conference (6th, 2000) has been reviewed (see Zbl 0952.00064).
Indexed articles:
Gentry, Craig; Jonsson, Jakob; Stern, Jacques; Szydlo, Michael, Cryptanalysis of the NTRU signature scheme (NSS) from EUROCRYPT 2001, 1-20 [Zbl 1062.94547]
Nguyen, Phong Q.; Shparlinski, Igor E., On the insecurity of a server-aided RSA protocol, 21-35 [Zbl 1062.94551]
Boneh, Dan; Halevi, Shai; Howgrave-Graham, Nick, The modular inversion hidden number problem, 36-51 [Zbl 1062.94545]
Hopper, Nicholas J.; Blum, Manuel, Secure human identification protocols, 52-66 [Zbl 1062.94549]
Lenstra, Arjen K., Unbelievable security, 67-86 [Zbl 1062.94550]
Müller, Siguna, A probable prime test with very high confidence for \(n \equiv 1 \bmod 4\), 87-106 [Zbl 1062.11079]
Thomé, Emmanuel, Computation of discrete logarithms in \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{607}}\), 107-124 [Zbl 1062.11080]
Stam, Martijn; Lenstra, Arjen K., Speeding up XTR, 125-143 [Zbl 1062.94553]
Cha, Jae Choon; Ko, Ki Hyoung; Lee, Sang Jin; Han, Jae Woo; Cheon, Jung Hee, An efficient implementation of braid groups, 144-156 [Zbl 1062.94546]
Courtois, Nicolas T.; Finiasz, Matthieu; Sendrier, Nicolas, How to achieve a McEliece-based digital signature scheme, 157-174 [Zbl 1062.94556]
Silverberg, Alice; Staddon, Jessica; Walker, Judy L., Efficient traitor tracing algorithms using list decoding, 175-192 [Zbl 1062.94552]
Sugita, Makoto; Kobara, Kazukuni; Imai, Hideki, Security of reduced version of the block cipher Camellia against truncated and impossible differential cryptanalysis, 193-207 [Zbl 1062.94554]
Hong, Deukjo; Sung, Jaechul; Hong, Seokhie; Lee, Wonil; Lee, Sangjin; Lim, Jongin; Yi, Okyeon, Known-IV attacks on triple modes of operation of block ciphers, 208-221 [Zbl 1062.94548]
Patarin, Jacques, Generic attacks on Feistel schemes, 222-238 [Zbl 1064.94550]
Satoh, Akashi; Morioka, Sumio; Takano, Kohji; Munetoh, Seiji, A compact Rijndael hardware architecture with S-Box optimization, 239-254 [Zbl 1067.94563]
Kang, Ju-Sung; Shin, Sang-Uk; Hong, Dowon; Yi, Okyeon, Provable security of KASUMI and 3GPP encryption mode \(f8\), 255-271 [Zbl 1064.94547]
Wong, Duncan S.; Chan, Agnes H., Efficient and mutually authenticated key exchange for low power computing devices, 272-289 [Zbl 1067.94567]
Bresson, Emmanuel; Chevassut, Olivier; Pointcheval, David, Provably authenticated group Diffie-Hellman key exchange – the dynamic case, 290-309 [Zbl 1064.94555]
Fouque, Pierre-Alain; Stern, Jacques, Fully distributed threshold RSA under standard assumptions, 310-330 [Zbl 1067.94531]
Lysyanskaya, Anna; Peikert, Chris, Adaptive security in the threshold setting: From cryptosystems to signature schemes, 331-350 [Zbl 1064.94549]
Fouque, Pierre-Alain; Pointcheval, David, Threshold cryptosystems secure against chosen-ciphertext attacks, 351-368 [Zbl 1064.94545]
Chang, Yancheng; Lu, Chijen, Oblivious polynomial evaluation and oblivious neural learning, 369-384 [Zbl 1064.94543]
Liskov, Moses; Lysyanskaya, Anna; Micali, Silvio; Reyzin, Leonid; Smith, Adam, Mutually independent commitments, 385-401 [Zbl 1064.94557]
Courtois, Nicolas T., Efficient zero-knowledge authentication based on a linear algebra problem MinRank, 402-421 [Zbl 1064.94544]
Cohen, Tzafrir; Kilian, Joe; Petrank, Erez, Responsive round complexity and concurrent zero knowledge, 422-441 [Zbl 1064.94556]
Håstad, Johan; Näslund, Mats, Practical construction and analysis of pseudo-randomness primitives, 442-459 [Zbl 1064.94546]
Tarannikov, Yuriy; Korolev, Peter; Botev, Anton, Autocorrelation coefficients and correlation immunity of Boolean functions, 460-479 [Zbl 1064.94551]
Gaudry, Pierrick; Gürel, Nicolas, An extension of Kedlaya’s point-counting algorithm to superelliptic curves, 480-494 [Zbl 1064.11080]
Galbraith, Steven D., Supersingular curves in cryptography, 495-513 [Zbl 1064.11079]
Boneh, Dan; Lynn, Ben; Shacham, Hovav, Short signatures from the Weil pairing, 514-532 [Zbl 1064.94554]
Verheul, Eric R., Self-blindable credential certificates from the Weil pairing, 533-551 [Zbl 1064.94559]
Rivest, Ronald L.; Shamir, Adi; Tauman, Yael, How to leak a secret, 552-565 [Zbl 1064.94558]
Bellare, Mihir; Boldyreva, Alexandra; Desai, Anand; Pointcheval, David, Key-privacy in public-key encryption, 566-582 [Zbl 1064.94553]
Abe, Masayuki; Ohkubo, Miyako, Provably secure fair blind signatures with tight revocation, 583-601 [Zbl 1064.94552]


00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest
94-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to information and communication theory
94A60 Cryptography
68P25 Data encryption (aspects in computer science)


Zbl 0952.00064
Full Text: DOI