
LICS 2001 workshop on theory and application of satisfiability testing (SAT 2001). Boston, MA, USA, June 14–15, 2001. (English) Zbl 0968.90001

Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics. 9. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 29 papers (electronic) (2001).

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Indexed articles:
Kautz, Henry; Ruan, Yongshao; Achlioptas, Dimitris; Gomes, Carla; Selman, Bart; Stickel, Mark, Balance and filtering in structured satisfiable problems. (Preliminary report), no pag., electronic only [Zbl 0985.90509]
Shlyakhter, Ilya, Generating effective symmetry-breaking predicates for search problems, no pag., electronic only [Zbl 1158.68497]
Cocco, Simona; Monasson, Remi, Statistical physics analysis of the backtrack resolution of random 3-SAT instances, no pag., electronic only [Zbl 0994.90513]
Kleine Büning, Hans; Zhao, Xishun, Satisfiable formulas closed under replacement, no pag., electronic only [Zbl 0990.90550]
Le Berre, Daniel, Exploiting the real power of unit propagation lookahead, no pag., electronic only [Zbl 0990.90538]
Kaporis, Alexis C.; Kirousis, Lefteris M.; Stamatiou, Yannis C.; Vamvakari, Malvina; Zito, Michele, The unsatisfiability threshold revisited, no pag., electronic only [Zbl 0990.90557]
Goldberg, Eugene, Proving unsatisfiability of CNFs locally, no pag., electronic only [Zbl 0990.90548]
Bailey, Delbert D.; Dalmau, Victor; Kolaitis, Phokion G., Phase transitions of PP-complete satisfiability problems. (Abstract), no pag., electronic only [Zbl 0990.90547]
Van Gelder, Allen, Combining preorder and postorder resolution in a satisfiability solver, no pag., electronic only [Zbl 0990.90534]
Simon, Laurent; Chatalic, Philippe, SatEx: A web-based framework for SAT experimentation, no pag., electronic only [Zbl 0990.90549]
Roli, Andrea, Criticality and parallelism in GSAT, no pag., electronic only [Zbl 0990.90535]
Bruni, Renato; Sassano, Antonio, Restoring satisfiability or maintaining unsatisfiability by finding small unsatisfiable subformulae, no pag., electronic only [Zbl 0990.90564]
Jurkowiak, Bernard; Li, Chu Min; Utard, Gil, Parallelizing SATZ using dynamic workload balancing, no pag., electronic only [Zbl 0990.90546]
Lynce, Inês; Baptista, Luís; Marques-Silva, João, Stochastic systematic search algorithms for satisfiability, no pag., electronic only [Zbl 0990.90554]
Sinz, Carsten; Blochinger, Wolfgang; Küchlin, Wolfgang, PaSAT – parallel SAT-checking with lemma exchange: Implementation and applications, no pag., electronic only [Zbl 0990.90563]
Hunt, Harry B. III; Marathe, Madhav V.; Stearns, Richard E., Complexity and approximability of quantified and stochastic constraint satisfaction problems, no pag., electronic only [Zbl 0990.90562]
Kullmann, Oliver, On the use of autarkies for satisfiability decision, no pag., electronic only [Zbl 0990.90545]
Morrisette, Tom, The unreasonable effectiveness of alternation-based satisfiabiity algorithms, no pag., electronic only [Zbl 0990.90556]
Randerath, Bert; Speckenmeyer, Ewald; Boros, Endre; Hammer, Peter; Kogan, Alex; Makino, Kazuhisa; Simeone, Bruno; Cepek, Ondrej, A satisfiability formulation of problems on level graphs, no pag., electronic only [Zbl 0990.90530]
Ó Nualláin, Breanndán; de Rijke, Maarten; van Benthem, Johan, Ensemble-based prediction of SAT search behaviour, no pag., electronic only [Zbl 0990.90536]
Giunchiglia, Enrico; Narizzano, Massimo; Tacchella, Armando; Vardi, Moshe Y., Towards an efficient library for SAT: A manifesto, no pag., electronic only [Zbl 0990.90559]
McIlraith, Sheila; Amir, Eyal, Theorem proving with structured theories. (Preliminary report), no pag., electronic only [Zbl 0990.90558]
Amir, Eyal; McIlraith, Sheila, Solving satisfiability using decomposition and the most constrained subproblem, no pag., electronic only [Zbl 0990.90552]
Lagoudakis, Michail G.; Littman, Michael L., Learning to select branching rules in the DPLL procedure for satisfiability, no pag., electronic only [Zbl 0990.90543]
Patterson, Donald J.; Kautz, Henry, Auto-Walksat: A self-tuning implementation of Walksat, no pag., electronic only [Zbl 0990.90533]
Subramani, K., A polyhedral projection procedure for Q2SAT, no pag., electronic only [Zbl 0990.90529]
Horvitz, Eric; Ruan, Yongshao; Gomes, Carla; Kautz, Henry; Selman, Bart; Stickel, Mark; Chickering, Max, A Bayesian approach to tackling hard computational problems. (Preliminary report), no pag., electronic only [Zbl 0991.68564]
Bejar, Ramon; Cabiscol, Alba; Fernandez, Cesar; Manya, Felip; Gomes, Carla, Extending the reach of SAT with many-valued logics, no pag., electronic only [Zbl 0990.90539]


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