
Double Hopf bifurcations and chaos of a nonlinear vibration system. (English) Zbl 0967.70017

Summary: We study a double pendulum system for analyzing the dynamic behaviour near a critical point characterized by nonsemisimple 1:1 resonance. Based on normal form theory, it is shown that two phase-locked periodic solutions may bifurcate from an initial equilibrium, one of them is unstable and the other may be stable for certain values of parameters. A secondary bifurcation from the stable periodic solution yields a family of quasi-periodic solutions lying on a two-dimensional torus. Further cascading bifurcations from the quasi-periodic motions lead to two chaoses via a period-doubling route. It is shown that all the solutions and chaotic motions can be obtained under positive damping.


70K50 Bifurcations and instability for nonlinear problems in mechanics
70K55 Transition to stochasticity (chaotic behavior) for nonlinear problems in mechanics
70K43 Quasi-periodic motions and invariant tori for nonlinear problems in mechanics
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