
Noncommutative structures in mathematics and physics. (English) Zbl 0964.00024

NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. 22. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. ix, 484 p. EUR 160.00; $ 147.00; £100.00 (2001).

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Indexed articles:
Wess, Julius, Gauge theories beyond Gauge theory, 1-11 [Zbl 1248.81095]
Leites, Dimitry; Serganova, Vera, Symmetries wider than supersymmetry, 13-30 [Zbl 1248.17015]
Stelle, Kellogg, Tensions in supergravity braneworlds, 31-40 [Zbl 1248.83124]
Grozman, Pavel; Leites, Dimitry, An unconventional supergravity, 41-47 [Zbl 1248.83139]
Bergshoeff, Eric; Kallosh, Renata; van Proeyen, Antoine, Supersymmetry of RS bulk and brane, 49-59 [Zbl 1248.83115]
Galtsov, Dmitri; Dyadichev, Vladimir, D-branes and vacuum periodicity, 61-78 [Zbl 1248.81169]
Kosiński, P.; Lukiersky, Jerzy; Maślanka, P., Quantum deformations of space-time SUSY and noncommutative superfield theory, 79-91 [Zbl 1248.81234]
Leites, Dimitry; Shchepochkina, Irina, The Howe duality and Lie superalgebras, 93-111 [Zbl 1248.17004]
Sergeev, Alexander, Enveloping algebra of \(\text{GL}(3)\) and orthogonal polynomials, 113-124 [Zbl 1248.17009]
Duplij, Steven; Marcinek, Władysław, Noninvertibility, semisupermanifolds and categories regularization, 125-139 [Zbl 1248.58004]
Brandt, Friedemann, An overview of new supersymmetric gauge theories with 2-form gauge potentials, 141-152 [Zbl 1248.81221]
Peeters, Kasper; Vanhove, Pierre; Westerberg, Anders, Supersymmetric \(\mathbb{R}^4\) actions and quantum corrections to superspace torsion constraints, 153-159 [Zbl 1248.81240]
Fedoruk, S.; Zima, V. G., Massive superparticle with spinorial central charges, 161-180 [Zbl 1248.81224]
Burinskii, Alexander, Rotating super black hole as spinning particle, 181-193 [Zbl 1248.83049]
Toppan, Francesco, Classifying \(N\)-extended 1-dimensional super systems, 195-201 [Zbl 1250.81114]
Quesne, Christiane, Para, pseudo, and orthosupersymmetric quantum mechanics and their bosonization, 203-213 [Zbl 1250.81112]
Frydryszak, Andrzej, Supersymmetric odd mechanical systems and Hilbert Q-module quantization, 215-227 [Zbl 1248.81063]
Vacaru, Sergiu; Chiosa, Iurie; Vicol, Nadejda, Locally anisotropic supergravity and gauge gravity on noncommutative spaces, 229-243 [Zbl 1248.83095]
Kobayashi, Tatsuo; Kubo, Jisuke; Mondragón, Myriam; Zoupanos, George, Finiteness in conventional \(N=1\) GUTs, 245-257 [Zbl 1248.81271]
Simon, Joan, World volume realization of automorphisms, 259-270 [Zbl 1248.81070]
Fiore, Gaetano; Maceda, Marco; Madore, John, Some metrics on the Manin plane, 271-282 [Zbl 1248.58005]
Lyubashenko, Volodymyr, Coherence isomorphisms for a Hopf category., 283-294 [Zbl 1252.18029]
Ganchev, Alexander, Fusion rings and tensor categories, 295-298 [Zbl 1248.18005]
Mazorchuk, Volodymyr, On categories of Gelfand-Zetlin modules, 299-307 [Zbl 1248.17005]
Shklyarov, Dmitry; Sinel’shchikov, Sergey; Vaksman, Leonid, Symmetry of some algebras of \(q\)-differential operators., 309-320 [Zbl 1252.16021]
Jorgensen, Palle; Proskurin, Daniil; Samoilenko, Yurii, A family of \(*\)-algebras allowing Wick ordering: Fock representations and universal enveloping \(C^*\)-algebras, 321-329 [Zbl 1248.46043]
Klimyk, A. U., Nonstandard quantization of the enveloping algebra \(U(\text{so}(n))\) and its applications, 331-342 [Zbl 1248.17013]
Gavrilik, Alexandre, Can the Cabibbo mixing originate from noncommutative extra dimensions?, 343-355 [Zbl 1248.81270]
Iorgov, Nikolai, Nonclassical type representations of nonstandard quantization of enveloping algebras \(U(\mathrm{so}(n))\), \(U(\mathrm{so}(n,1))\) and \(U(\mathrm{iso}(n))\), 357-368 [Zbl 1248.17011]
Landsteiner, Karl, Quasiparticles in non-commutative field theory, 369-378 [Zbl 1248.81258]
Sergyeyev, Artur, Time dependence and (non)commutativity of symmetries of evolution equations, 379-390 [Zbl 1248.37060]
Dragovich, Branko; Volovich, Igor V., \(p\)-adic strings and noncommutativity, 391-399 [Zbl 1248.81162]
Djordjević, Goran; Dragovich, Branko; Nešić, Ljubiša, Adelic quantum mechanics: non-Archimedean and noncommutative aspects, 401-413 [Zbl 1248.81067]
Kozitsky, Yuri, Gibbs states of a lattice system of quantum anharmonic oscillators, 415-425 [Zbl 1251.82007]
Vassiliev, Dmitri, A metric-affine field model for the neutrino, 427-439 [Zbl 1248.83008]
Visinescu, Mihai, Generalized Taub-NUT metrics and Killing-Yano tensors, 441-452 [Zbl 1248.83015]
Dzhunushaliev, Vladimir, An effective model of the spacetime foam, 453-463 [Zbl 1248.83030]
Higuchi, Atsushi, Possible constraints on string theory in closed space with symmetries, 465-473 [Zbl 1248.81174]
Alscher, Adrian; Grabert, Hermann, Semiclassical dynamics of \(SU(2)\) models, 475-480 [Zbl 1248.81054]


00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest
81-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to quantum theory
17-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to nonassociative rings and algebras
83-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to relativity and gravitational theory
81T75 Noncommutative geometry methods in quantum field theory
17B37 Quantum groups (quantized enveloping algebras) and related deformations
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