
An introduction to ergodic theory. Paperback ed. (English) Zbl 0958.28011

Graduate Texts in Mathematics. 79. New York, NY: Springer. ix, 250 p. (2000).
This is an unchanged reprint of the edition from 1982 (cf. Zbl 0475.28009), originally published in 1975 as “Ergodic theory. Introductory lectures” (cf. Zbl 0299.28012).


28Dxx Measure-theoretic ergodic theory
28-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to measure and integration
37Axx Ergodic theory
37-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to dynamical systems and ergodic theory
54H20 Topological dynamics (MSC2010)
47A35 Ergodic theory of linear operators
22D40 Ergodic theory on groups
60F15 Strong limit theorems
60B05 Probability measures on topological spaces
46L10 General theory of von Neumann algebras