
Supersingular \(j\)-invariants, hypergeometric series and Atkin’s orthogonal polynomials. (English) Zbl 0955.11018

Buell, D. A. (ed.) et al., Computational perspectives on number theory. Proceedings of a conference in honor of A. O. L. Atkin, Chicago, IL, USA, September 1995. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society. AMS/IP Stud. Adv. Math. 7, 97-126 (1998).
An elliptic curve \(E\) over a field \(K\) of characteristic \(p>0\) is called supersingular if the group \(E(\overline{K})\) has no \(p\)-torsion. This condition depends only on the \(j\)-invariant of \(E\) and it is well known that there are only finitely many supersingular \(j\)-invariants in \(\mathbb{F}_p\).
The authors of the paper under review describe several different ways of constructing canonical polynomials in \(\mathbb{Q} [j]\) whose reduction modulo \(p\) gives the supersingular polynomial \[ ss_p(j):= \prod_{\substack{ E/\overline{\mathbb{F}}_p\\ E\text{ supersingular }}} (j-j(E))\in \mathbb{F}_p[j]. \] These polynomials are of three kinds:
A. Polynomials coming from modular forms of weight \(p-1\).
Four special modular forms of weight \(p-1\) are defined and, if \(f\) is one of these four forms, the coefficients of the associated polynomial \(\widetilde{f}\) are \(p\)-integral and \[ ss_p(j)= \pm j^\delta (j-1728)^\varepsilon \widetilde{f}(j) \bmod p\qquad (\delta\in \{0,1,2\},\;\varepsilon\in \{0,1\}). \] B. The Atkin orthogonal polynomials.
This description was found by Atkin more than ten years ago but proofs have never been published. Atkin has defined a sequence of polynomials \(A_n(j)\in \mathbb{Q}[j]\), one in each degree \(n\), as the orthogonal polynomials with respect to a special scalar product. The coefficients of \(A_n\) are rational numbers in general but they are \(p\)-integral for primes \(p> 2n\). In particular if \(n_p\) is the degree of the supersingular polynomial \(ss_p\), then \(A_{n_p}\) has \(p\)-integral coefficients and we have the congruence \[ ss_p(j) \equiv A_{n_p}(j) \pmod p \] as well as recursion relation, closed formula and differential equation of \(A_n\).
The proofs here are simpler than those of Atkin.
C. Other orthogonal polynomials coming from hyperelliptic series.
This is a partially expository paper.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 0881.00035].


11G20 Curves over finite and local fields
11F33 Congruences for modular and \(p\)-adic modular forms
14G20 Local ground fields in algebraic geometry
11F11 Holomorphic modular forms of integral weight

Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences:

Coefficients of modular function j as power series in q = e^(2 Pi i t). Another name is the elliptic modular invariant J(tau).
Ramanujan’s tau function (or Ramanujan numbers, or tau numbers).
a(n) = (6*n)!/((n!)^3*(3*n)!).
Expansion of Eisenstein series E_4(q) (alternate convention E_2(q)); theta series of E_8 lattice.
Coefficients in expansion of Eisenstein series E_2 (also called E_1 or G_2).
Expansion of Eisenstein series E_6(q) (alternate convention E_3(q)).
Coefficients in expansion of E_2*E_4/(E_6*j) in powers of 1/j.
Coefficients in expansion of Eisenstein series -q*E’_2.
Constant term in Atkin polynomial A_n(j).
Coefficients in expansion of Eisenstein series q*E’_4.
Coefficients in expansion of Eisenstein series -q*E’_6.
Coefficients in expansion of Eisenstein series E_1.
Coefficients in expansion of Delta’(q).
Coefficients of expansion of Phi(tau) = E_2*E_4/(E_6*j).
a(n) = numerator of constant lambda(n) involved in a recurrence for the Atkin polynomials A_k(j).
a(n) = denominator of constant lambda(n) involved in a recurrence for the Atkin polynomials A_k(j).
Scalar product of Atkin polynomial A_n(j) with itself.
a(n) = numerator of Atkin polynomials A_n(j) evaluated at j = 1728.
a(n) = denominator of Atkin polynomials A_n(j) evaluated at j = 1728.
Coefficients of certain power series associated with Atkin polynomials (see Kaneko-Zagier reference for precise definition).
Coefficients of certain power series associated with Atkin polynomials (see Kaneko-Zagier reference for precise definition).
Coefficients of certain power series associated with Atkin polynomials (see Kaneko-Zagier reference for precise definition).
Coefficients of certain power series associated with Atkin polynomials (see Kaneko-Zagier reference for precise definition).
Coefficients of certain power series associated with Atkin polynomials (see Kaneko-Zagier reference for precise definition).
Coefficients of certain power series associated with Atkin polynomials (see Kaneko-Zagier reference for precise definition).
Coefficients of certain power series associated with Atkin polynomials (see Kaneko-Zagier reference for precise definition).
Expansion of Hypergeometric function F(5/12, 13/12; 2; 1728*x) in powers of x.
Expansion of Hypergeometric function F(17/12, 13/12; 3; 1728*x) in powers of x.
Expansion of Hypergeometric function F(17/12, 25/12; 4; 1728*x) in powers of x.