
Real-analytic actions of lattices. (English) Zbl 0954.22007

The authors study the following problem: under what conditions does a smooth action of a discrete group factor through a finite group action? After formulating certain conjectures, they discuss a general approach to this problem in the case of a real-analytic action of a lattice in a real semisimple Lie group. Then some concrete results are proved. Let \(\Gamma\) be an irreducible lattice in a real semisimple Lie group \(G\) such that \(\mathbf R\)-rank\((G)\geq 2\). The lattice \(\Gamma\) is said to be 1-big if either \(\mathbf Q\)-rank\((\Gamma)\geq 2\), or the centralizer of some infinite-order element of \(\Gamma\) has a subgroup isomorphic to an irreducible lattice in a real semisimple Lie group of \(\mathbf R\)-rank at least 2. For \(k\geq 1\), one says that \(\Gamma\) is \((k+1)\)-big if the centralizer of some infinite-order element of \(\Gamma\) has a subgroup isomorphic to a \(k\)-big lattice. One proves that any real-analytic action of a 1-big lattice on \(S^1\) factors through a finite group action. The same is true for any real-analytic action of a 2-big lattice on a compact surface other than the torus or Klein bottle, and also for any area-preserving real-analytic action of a 2-big lattice on a compact surface. Now, any real-analytic action of a 2-big lattice on a compact 3-manifold with boundary containing a surface of non-zero Euler characteristic factors through a finite group action. As a corollary, on deduces that if \(\Gamma\) is a finite-index subgroup of \(SL(n,\mathbf Z)\), \(n\geq 7\), which contains a non-identity diagonal matrix with five 1’s on the diagonal, then any volume-preserving real-analytic action of \(\Gamma\) on a \(\mathbf Z_2\)-homology 3-sphere factors through a finite group action. A conjecture about almost free actions of lattices is also discussed.


22E40 Discrete subgroups of Lie groups
57S30 Discontinuous groups of transformations
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