
Approximation algorithms for combinatorial optimization. 3rd international workshop, APPROX 2000, Saarbrücken, Germany, September 5–8, 2000. Proceedings. (English) Zbl 0947.00047

Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1913. Berlin: Springer. ix, 275 p. (2000).

Show indexed articles as search result.

The articles of mathematical interest will be reviewed individually. The preceding workshop (2nd, 1999) has been reviewed (see Zbl 0921.00035).
Indexed articles:
Arora, Sanjeev, Approximation algorithms that take advice, 1 [Zbl 0976.68539]
Hochbaum, Dorit S., Instant recognition of polynomial time solvability, half integrality and 2-approximations, 2-14 [Zbl 0976.90123]
Möhring, Rolf H., Scheduling under uncertainty: Optimizing against a randomizing adversary, 15-26 [Zbl 0976.90038]
Shmoys, David B., Approximation algorithms for facility location problems, 27-33 [Zbl 0976.68538]
Ageev, Alexander; Hassin, Refael; Sviridenko, Maxim, An approximation algorithm for MAX DICUT with given sizes of parts, 34-41 [Zbl 0976.05060]
Awerbuch, Baruch; Azar, Yossi; Regev, Oded, Maximizing job benefits on-line, 42-50 [Zbl 0976.90037]
Berman, Piotr; Fukuyama, Junichiro, Variable length sequencing with two lengths, 51-59 [Zbl 0976.68017]
Auletta, Vincenzo; Caragiannis, Ioannis; Kaklamanis, Christos; Persiano, Pino, Randomized path coloring on binary trees, 60-71 [Zbl 0976.68190]
Caprara, Alberto; Italiano, Giuseppe F.; Mohan, G.; Panconesi, Alessandro; Srinivasan, Aravind, Wavelength rerouting in optical networks, or the Venetian routing problem, 72-83 [Zbl 0976.90085]
Charikar, Moses, Greedy approximation algorithms for finding dense components in a graph, 84-95 [Zbl 0976.05062]
DasGupta, Bhaskar; Palis, Michael A., Online real-time preemptive scheduling of jobs with deadlines, 96-107 [Zbl 0976.68015]
Dyer, Martin; Goldberg, Leslie Ann; Greenhill, Catherine; Jerrum, Mark, On the relative complexity of approximate counting problems, 108-119 [Zbl 0976.68192]
Feige, Uriel; Langberg, Michael; Nissim, Kobbi, On the hardness of approximating \({\mathcal N}{\mathcal P}\) witnesses, 120-131 [Zbl 0976.90081]
Fekete, Sándor P.; Meijer, Henk, Maximum dispersion and geometric maximum weight cliques, 132-143 [Zbl 0976.90080]
Fleischer, Rudolf; Seiden, Steve, New results for online page replication, 144-154 [Zbl 0976.68500]
Guruswami, Venkatesan, Inapproximability results for set splitting and satisfiability problems with no mixed clauses, 155-166 [Zbl 0976.68075]
Hessin, R.; Ravi, R.; Salman, F. S., Approximation algorithms for a capacitated network design problem, 167-176 [Zbl 0976.90013]
Jain, Kamal; Vazirani, Vijay V., An approximation algorithm for the fault tolerant metric facility location problem, 177-183 [Zbl 0976.90056]
Könemann, Jochen; Konjevod, Goran; Parekh, Ojas; Sinha, Amitabh, Improved approximations for tour and tree covers, 184-193 [Zbl 0976.05063]
Kortsarz, Guy; Nutov, Zeev, Approximating node connectivity problems via set covers, 194-205 [Zbl 0976.05061]
Loryś, Krzysztof; Paluch, Katarzyna, Rectangle tiling, 206-213 [Zbl 0976.90084]
Polzin, Tobias; Daneshmand, Siavash Vahdati, Primal-dual approaches to the Steiner problem, 214-225 [Zbl 0976.90083]
Schindelhauer, Christian, On the inapproximability of broadcasting time. (Extended abstract), 226-237 [Zbl 0976.68501]
Shachnai, Hadas; Tamir, Tami, Polynomial time approximation schemes for class-constrained packing problems, 238-249 [Zbl 0976.90082]
van Stee, Rob; La Poutré, Han, Partial servicing of on-line jobs, 250-261 [Zbl 0976.68016]
Vempala, Santosh; Vetta, Adrian, Factor \(\frac{4}{3}\) approximations for minimum 2-connected subgraphs, 262-273 [Zbl 0976.90114]


00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest
90-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to operations research and mathematical programming
90C27 Combinatorial optimization


Zbl 0921.00035
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