
Symmetry and structural properties of condensed matter. Proceedings of the 3rd international school on theoretical physics, Zajaczkowo, Poland, September 1–7, 1994. (English) Zbl 0942.00069

Singapore: World Scientific. xiv, 508 p. (1995).

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The 42 papers in this collection include the following: J. Karwowski, D. Bielinska-Waz and J. Jurkowski, Statistical properties of spectra of finite systems (67-76); J. Kocinski, Wigner’s theorem for non-unitary symmetry groups (77-88); P. N. Moustanis, A. Theophilou and S. Thanos, Two-dimensional Heisenberg lattices (97-106); P. N. Moustanis, A. Theophilou and S. Thanos, The method of hierarchy of algebras (107-112); P. Pawlicki, G. Kamieniarz, G. Musial and J. Rogiers, Extended Ising-like models in two dimensions (116-124); T. Einarsson, Use of the braid group for anyons on various manifolds and connection to the fractional quantum Hall effect (129-149); L. C. Biedenharn, W. Y. C. Chen, M. A. Lohe and J. D. Louck, The role of \(\text{SU}(2) 3n\text{-}j\) coefficients in \(\text{SU}(3)\) (150-182); R. C. King and T. A. Welsh, Representations of quantum algebras (183-196); A. V. Zabrodin, Cyclic representations of \(U_q(\text{sl}_2)\) in Hofstadter model (197-204); P. Minnaert and M. Mozrzymas, Racah-Wigner calculus for the quantum superalgebra \(U_q(\text{osp}(1|2))\) (205-214); C. E. Wulfman, Some quantum mechanics that is not in Hilbert space (215-222); J. Mozrzymas, Curvature and torsion of a current line of the field of \(n\) electric charges (235-238); Y. Ohnuki, An introduction to generalized Grassmannian path integrals (239-250); W. Andrzejewski, A. Neugebauer and A. Tralle, Rational homotopy obstructions and symplectic mechanics of a classical particle in the presence of a Yang-Mills field (251-268); A. Vourdas, Analytic representations in Riemann surfaces and their use for the description of particle clustering (269-276); L. Michel, Bravais classes, Voronoi cells, Delone symbols (279-316); R. Dirl, P. Zeiner and B. L. Davies, Equivalence of simple band representations: infinite and finite space groups (317-336); B. L. Davies, R. Dirl, L. Michel, J. Zak and P. Zeiner, Comments on: ”Equivalence of simple band representations: infinite and finite space groups” [same proceedings, 317-336] by Dirl, Zeiner and Davies (337-341); R. Dirl and B. L. Davies, Properties of generic and non-generic group-subgroup relations of \(3\)-dimensional Bravais lattices (342-350); R. Dirl and B. L. Davies, Alternative classification schemes for space group representations: applications to physical problems (351-368); J. P. Gazeau, Quasicrystals and their symmetries (369-389); Ya. I. Granovskii, Hidden symmetry of diffraction problems (390-395); A. Janner, Non-Euclidean symmetries in crystals (396-403); R. Laue, Construction of groups and the constructive approach to group actions (404-416); J. C. S. Levy, D. Mercier, M. Perreau and A. Ghazali, Medium-range order in self-similar figures with fivefold symmetry (417-432); T. Lulek, M. Kuzma and R. Olchawa, Fractal symmetries of a linear chain, projections from multidimensional spaces, and the recipe of Weyl (433-440); V. Talamini, The determination of the orbit spaces of compact coregular linear groups (441-452); B. L. Davies and R. Dirl, Space group structures: integrated software for IBM-compatible PCs (457-464); B. L. Davies and R. Dirl, Space group representations: integrated software for IBM-compatible PCs (465-468); K. Grudzinski and B. G. Wybourne, Computing properties of the non-compact groups \(\text{Mp}(2n)\) and \(\text{Sp}(2n,{R})\) using SCHUR (469-483); A. Kerber and A. Kohnert, SYMMETRICA, an object oriented computer algebra system for representations, combinatorics and applications of symmetric groups (494-503).
The articles of this volume will not be indexed individually.


00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest
82-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to statistical mechanics
20-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to group theory
