
Parametric analysis for matched pair survival data. (English) Zbl 0941.62107

Summary: P. Hougaard’s [Biometrika 73, 671-678 (1986; Zbl 0613.62121)] bivariate Weibull distribution with positive stable frailties is applied to matched pairs survival data when either or both components of the pair may be censored and covariate vectors may be of arbitrary fixed length. When there is no censoring, we quantify the corresponding gain in Fisher information over a fixed-effects analysis. With the appropriate parametrization, the results take a simple algebraic form.
An alternative marginal (“independence working model”) approach to estimation is also considered. This method ignores the correlation between the two survival times in the derivation of the estimator, but provides a valid estimate of standard error. It is shown that when both the correlation between the two survival times is high, and the ratio of the within-pair variability to the between-pair variability of the covariates is high, the fixed-effects analysis captures most of the information about the regression coefficient but the independence working model does badly. When the correlation is low, and/or most of the variability of the covariates occurs between pairs, the reverse is true. The random effects model is applied to data on skin grafts, and on loss of visual acuity among diabetics. In conclusion, some extensions of the methods are indicated and they are placed in a wider context of Generalized Estimating Equation methodology.


62N02 Estimation in survival analysis and censored data
62F12 Asymptotic properties of parametric estimators


Zbl 0613.62121
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