
P. L. Chebyshev (1821-1894). A guide to his life and work. (English) Zbl 0934.01017

Life, school (including Korkin, Zolotarev, Markov, Lyapunov, Steklov, Krylov in St. Petersburg), publication in Liouville’s journal and travel (especially to France), probability theory, integration in finite terms, approximation, number theory, mechanisms, cutting cloth; there are interesting remarks from the authors and from their sources on every page. Chebyshev is in the tradition of mathematical impressarios: d’Alembert, Gauss, Kelvin, Feynman: to some extent they all did public relations work on their careers, advertising themselves, publishing in the right places, drawing attention to themselves, sometimes suppressing bad features, even intimidating or dominating competitors: Chebyshev’s wrinkles are not hidden here.


01A70 Biographies, obituaries, personalia, bibliographies
01A55 History of mathematics in the 19th century

Biographic References:

Chebyshev, P. L.
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