
A conjugacy theorem for symmetric spaces. (English) Zbl 0926.22005

Let \(G_{\mathbb{C}}\) be a semisimple complex Lie group and \(G\subseteq G_{\mathbb{C}}\) a real form. Let \(t_1,\dots, t_n\) be representatives of the \(G\)-conjugacy classes of Cartan subalgebras of \(g\). Then the set \[ \bigcup^n_{i=1} GN_{G_{\mathbb{C}}}(t_i)G \] contains an open and dense subset of \(G_{\mathbb{C}}\). This was proved by R. Stanton [Am. J. Math. 108, 1411-1424 (1986; Zbl 0626.43008)] using a result of Rothschild which says that two Cartan subalgebras in \(g\) are conjugate under \(G_{\mathbb{C}}\) if and only if they are conjugate under \(G\). In [J. Hilgert and K.-H. Neeb, Lie semigroups and their applications, Lect. Notes Math. 1552 (Berlin 1993; Zbl 0807.22001)] and [J. D. Lawson, J. Lie Theory 4, 17-29 (1994; Zbl 0824.22012)] this double coset decomposition was a main tool for examining maximal subsemigroups of \(G_{\mathbb{C}}\) that contain \(G\) nonisolated.
In [A. N. Neumann and G. Ólafsson, Minimal and maximal subgroups related to causal symmetric spaces (submitted)] this decomposition was generalized to noncompactly causal semisimple symmetric spaces \(G/H\). It was shown there, that \[ \bigcup^n_{i=1} HN_G(a_i)H \] contains an open and dense subset of \(G\). Here the \(a_1,\dots, a_n\) are the representatives of \(H_0\)-conjugacy classes of Cartan subspaces in \(q\), the \((-1)\)-eigenspace of the involution in \(g\), where \(H_0\) is the connected component of \(H\) containing the identity. The essential fact used in the proof is that in noncompactly causal symmetric spaces the \(G\)-conjugacy classes of Cartan subspaces are the same as the \(H_0\)-conjugacy classes. In [A. Neumann and G. Ólafsson (op. cit.)] this was established by classifying the \(H_0\)-conjugacy classes and required detailed information on the special structure theory of noncompactly causal spaces.
In this paper, we prove for general connected semisimple symmetric spaces \(G/H\) that two Cartan subspaces are conjugate under \(G\) if and only if they are conjugate under \(H\). As a consequence of our theorem, we can generalize the double coset decomposition to all semisimple symmetric spaces.


22E46 Semisimple Lie groups and their representations
22E15 General properties and structure of real Lie groups
20G15 Linear algebraic groups over arbitrary fields
20G20 Linear algebraic groups over the reals, the complexes, the quaternions
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