
Determinantal formulas for orthogonal and symplectic degeneracy loci. (English) Zbl 0911.14001

Summary: Given a vector bundle \(V\) of rank \(n\) on a variety \(X\), together with two complete flags of subbundles, there is a degeneracy locus \(X_w\subset X\) for each \(w\) in the symmetric group \(S_n\). With suitable genericity hypotheses, the class of \(X_w\) in the Chow group of \(X\) is given by a double Schubert polynomial in the first Chern classes of the quotient line bundles of the flags [W. Fulton, Duke Math. J. 65, No. 3, 381-420 (1992; Zbl 0788.14044)]. In this note we give similar formulas for corresponding loci when \(V\) has an orthogonal or symplectic structure and the flags are isotropic; there is one such locus \(X_w\) for each \(w\) in the corresponding Weyl group.


14C17 Intersection theory, characteristic classes, intersection multiplicities in algebraic geometry
14M12 Determinantal varieties
14F05 Sheaves, derived categories of sheaves, etc. (MSC2010)
14M15 Grassmannians, Schubert varieties, flag manifolds
14L30 Group actions on varieties or schemes (quotients)


Zbl 0788.14044
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