
Wild canonical algebras. (English) Zbl 0882.16011

Canonical algebras had been introduced by C. M. Ringel [Tame algebras and integral quadratic forms, Lect. Notes Math. 1099 (1984; Zbl 0546.16013)]. Let \(k\) be an algebraically closed field, \(t\geq 2\) a natural number, \(p=(p_1,\dots,p_t)\) a sequence of natural numbers with \(p_i\geq 2\) and \(\lambda=(\lambda_3,\dots,\lambda_t)\) a sequence of pairwise different nonzero elements in \(k\). Let \({\mathcal Q}\) be the quiver \[ \begin{matrix} & &\overset{\vec x_1}\circ &\overset {x_1}\longrightarrow &\overset {2\vec x_1}\circ &\longrightarrow &\cdots &\longrightarrow &\overset{(p_1-1)\vec x_1}\circ \\ &\overset {x_1}\nearrow &&&&&&&& \overset {x_1}\searrow \\ \overset {0}\circ &\underset {x_2}\longrightarrow &\overset{\vec x_2}\circ & \underset {x_2}\longrightarrow &\overset{2\vec x_2}\circ &\longrightarrow &\cdots &\longrightarrow &\overset{(p_2-1)\vec x_2}\circ &\underset {x_2}\longrightarrow &\overset\vec {c}\circ \\ &\underset {x_t}\searrow &&\vdots &&\vdots &&\vdots &&\underset {x_t}\nearrow \\ & &\underset {\vec x_t}\circ &\underset {x_t}\longrightarrow &\underset{2\vec x_t}\circ &\longrightarrow &\cdots &\longrightarrow &\underset {(p_t-1)\vec x_t}\circ\end{matrix} \] The canonical algebra \(\Lambda=\Lambda(p,\lambda)\) is the path-algebra of the quiver \({\mathcal Q}\), bound by the relations \(x^{p_i}_i-x_2^{p_2}+\lambda_i x_1^{p_1}\). If the tree \({\mathcal T}\), obtained from \({\mathcal Q}\) by deleting the vertex 0 is a Dynkin diagram, then \(\Lambda\) is a well known tame concealed algebra. If \({\mathcal T}\) is an extended Dynkin diagram, then \(\Lambda\) is a tubular algebra. Ringel [loc. cit.] gave a description of the category \(\text{mod }\Lambda\) of finite dimensional \(\Lambda\)-modules in this case. The paper under review studies the case, when \({\mathcal T}\) is a wild quiver and \(\Lambda\) then is called wild canonical.
In this case, the module category \(\text{mod }\Lambda\) decomposes into three parts, \(\text{mod }\Lambda=\text{mod}_+\Lambda\vee\text{mod}_0\Lambda\vee\text{mod}_-\Lambda\). The middle part \(\text{mod}_0\Lambda\) has as Auslander-Reiten quiver a separating family of pairwise orthogonal standard tubes. The category \(\text{mod}_+\Lambda\) has exactly one preprojective component \({\mathcal P}\), containing \(n-1\) indecomposable projectives, where \(n\) is the number of vertices of \({\mathcal Q}\). The remaining Auslander-Reiten components in \(\text{mod}_+\Lambda\) are either of type \(\mathbb{Z} A_\infty\) or have stable part \(\mathbb{Z} A_\infty\). All modules in \(\text{mod}_\geq\Lambda=\text{mod}_+\Lambda\vee\text{mod}_0\Lambda\) have projective dimension at most 1. The category \(\text{mod}_-\Lambda\) is dual to \(\text{mod}_+\Lambda \).
It was shown by W. Geigle and H. Lenzing [in Singularities, representations of algebras, and vector bundles, Lect. Notes Math. 1273, 265-297 (1987; Zbl 0651.14006)] that canonical algebras are quasitilted algebras. More precise, the hereditary category \(\text{coh} X\) of coherent sheaves over a certain weighted projective line \(X=X(p,\lambda)\) contains a tilting vector bundle \(T\) with \(\text{End}(T)=\Lambda\). The tilting object \(T\) has a decomposition \(T={\mathcal O}\oplus T'\), where \({\mathcal O}\) is a line bundle and \(T'\) is the minimal projective generator in the right perpendicular category \({\mathcal O}^\perp\). The endomorphism ring \(\text{End}(T')\) is \(\Lambda_0\), the path-algebra of the quiver \({\mathcal T}\), and \({\mathcal O}^\perp\) will be identified with \(\text{mod }\Lambda_0\).
The authors show that the subcategory \(\text{vect} X\) of \(\text{coh} X\), defined by the vector bundles over \(X\), consists of Auslander-Reiten components of type \(\mathbb{Z} A_\infty\), and they identify \(\text{mod}_\geq\Lambda\) with the torsion class \(\text{coh}_\geq X=\{{\mathcal F}\mid\text{Ext}({\mathcal O},{\mathcal F})=0\}\) in \(\text{coh} X\). Under this identification \(\text{mod}_0\Lambda\) becomes \(\text{coh}_0X\), the category of finite length sheaves, which implies the structure of \(\text{mod}_0\Lambda\).
For the study of \(\text{mod}_+\Lambda\subset\text{vect} X\), they compare the Auslander-Reiten translations \(\tau_X\) in \(\text{vect} X\) and the relative Auslander-Reiten translations \(\tau_\Lambda\) and \(\tau_{\Lambda_0}\) in \(\text{vect} X\). As result they get for a \(\Lambda\)-module \(M\) in \(\text{mod}_+\Lambda\), not in the \(\tau_\Lambda\)-orbit of a projective, that \(\tau_\Lambda^{-m-1} M=\tau^-_{\Lambda_0}\tau_\Lambda^{-m} M\) for \(m\gg 0\) and \(\tau_\Lambda^{m+1} M=\tau_X\tau_\Lambda^mM\) for \(m\gg 0\). This result not only implies the Auslander-Reiten structure of \(\text{mod}_+\Lambda\). It also shows that each Auslander-Reiten component in \(\text{mod}_+\Lambda\), different from the preprojective component, contains a right cone, consisting completely of \(\Lambda_0\)-modules and a left cone, which is a left cone of some Auslander-Reiten component in \(\text{vect} X\) simultaneously, in complete analogy to the Auslander-Reiten structure of wild tilted algebras [O. Kerner, J. Algebra 142, No. 1, 37-57 (1991; Zbl 0737.16007)]. Especially it implies bijections between the set of stable components of \(\text{mod}_+\Lambda\), the set of regular components of \(\text{mod}\Lambda_0\) and the set of Auslander-Reiten components in \(\text{vect} X\). But in contrast to wild tilted algebras, the dimension vectors \(\dim\tau_\Lambda^m M\) for \(M\in\text{mod}_+\Lambda\) grow linearly in \(m\).


16G70 Auslander-Reiten sequences (almost split sequences) and Auslander-Reiten quivers
16G20 Representations of quivers and partially ordered sets
14F05 Sheaves, derived categories of sheaves, etc. (MSC2010)
16G60 Representation type (finite, tame, wild, etc.) of associative algebras
16D90 Module categories in associative algebras
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