
Breaking an efficient anonymous channel. (English) Zbl 0879.94031

De Santis, Alfredo (ed.), Advances in cryptology - EUROCRYPT ’94. Workshop on the theory and application of cryptographic techniques, Perugia, Italy, May 9-12, 1994. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 950, 332-340 (1995).
Summary: At Eurocrypt 1993, C. Park, {it K. Itoh} and K. Kurosawa presented an “all/nothing election scheme and anonymous channel”. The schemes are based on the mix-net and the election scheme constructed from this anonymous channel [D. Chaum, Untraceable Electronic Mail, Return Addresses, and Digital Pseudonyms, Commun. ACM 24, 84-88 (1981)]. One of the two main improvements is that the messages sent by normal participants are significantly shorter in the two new anonymous channels. However, the authors show several successful attacks on these channels and thus on the secrecy of the votes in the election scheme. They break the first, more efficient channel completely. For the second channel and the election protocol, some countermeasures agains all these attacks are presented. Note, however, that security is not guaranteed even then, and that the specification of that channel is somewhat weaker than that of the original mix-net.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 0847.00061].


94A60 Cryptography
68P25 Data encryption (aspects in computer science)