
Observability of smooth control systems. (English) Zbl 0846.93017

This work is devoted to the observability of smooth dynamical systems and it takes ideas and methods from different fields of mathematics and among them, the modern apparatus of differential geometry plays a central role. The results given here are both well-known and original, the latter are related to observability theory of polynomial systems.
Fifty eight theorems are stated and some of them proved. Some examples are included. It is a useful synthetic paper containing a detailed image of the observability problems and the list of references (about three hundred) shows the high implication of many distinguished researchers of mathematical control theory.
It can be recommended as a reference paper giving some insights for unsolved problems.


93B29 Differential-geometric methods in systems theory (MSC2000)
93B07 Observability
93-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to systems and control theory
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