
What we know and what we do not know about Turán numbers. (English) Zbl 0839.05050

Three equivalent combinatorial problems are considered. The Turán number \(T(n, k, r)\) is the minimum size of a system of \(r\)-element subsets of an \(n\)-set \(X_n\) such that every \(k\)-element subset of \(X_n\) contains a member of the system; any such system is called a Turán \((n, k, r)\)-system. The covering number \(C(n, m, p)\) is the minimum number of \(m\)-subsets of \(X_n\) needed to cover all \(p\)-subsets. \(U(n, q, r)\) is the minimum number of subsets of size at least \(r\), for which any transversal contains at least \(k\) elements. It is observed that \(C(n, m, p)= T(n, n- p, n- m)\), \(U(n, q, r)= T(n, n- q+ 1,r)\). The limit \(\lim_{n\to \infty} {T(n, k, r)\over {n\choose r}}\) is known to exist, and denoted by \(t(k, r)\). Under sections headed Recursive Inequalities, Lower Bounds, Upper Bounds, The Case of Small \({n\over k-1}\), The Case \(r= 2\), The Case \(r= 3\), The Case \(r= 4\), The Case of Small \(n- k\) (Covering Numbers), the author describes the present status of the problem of determining or bounding these numbers; he includes seven conjectures concerning the numbers \(T(n, k, r)\), the limits \(t(k, r)\), and extremal configurations.


05C35 Extremal problems in graph theory
05D05 Extremal set theory
05D15 Transversal (matching) theory
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