
On the homology of group graded algebras. (English) Zbl 0838.16006

This article concerns the description of the Hochschild and cyclic homologies for algebras \(S=\bigoplus_{g\in G}S_g\) that are graded by a group \(G\). Some special cases have been treated earlier, notably group algebras (by Burghelea), skew group rings (by Feigin and Tsygan), and strongly \(G\)-graded algebras (Hochschild homology only, by the reviewer). For finite groups \(G\), the study of \(G\)-graded algebras can be reduced, in some sense, to the case of skew group rings by using Cohen-Montgomery duality in conjunction with Morita invariance of the homology theories in question. For infinite \(G\), a similar approach is successful, based on D. Quinn’s extension of Cohen-Montgomery duality. This leads to the main results of the article which express the homology of \(S\) in terms of (hyper-) homology of \(G\) with suitable coefficients. More precisely, it is easy to see that the cyclic homology \(HC_*(S)\) of \(S\) has a decomposition \(HC_*(S)=\bigoplus_{[g]}HC_*(S)_{[g]}\), where \([g]\) ranges over the conjugacy classes of elements \(g\in G\), and similarly for Hochschild homology \(H_*(S)\). Thus the issue is to describe the components \(HC_*(S)_{[g]}\) and \(H_*(S)_{[g]}\). The description obtained in the article has an especially simple form in the case where the algebra \(S\) is strongly \(G\)-graded. In this case, the components are accessible as limits of suitable spectral sequences. For example, if \(g\in G\) has infinite order, then there is a spectral sequence \((E^2_{p,q})_{[g]}=H_p(C_G(g)/\langle g\rangle,H_q(S_1,S_g))\Rightarrow HC_n(S)_{[g]}\). Here, \(C_G(g)\) is the centralizer of \(g\) in \(G\) and \(H_q(S_1,S_g)\) is the Hochschild homology of \(S_1\) with coefficients in the bimodule \(S_g\). The last part of the article gives an application of this material to the Bass conjecture on the structure of idempotents or, more generally, the support of the Hattori-Stallings rank function for finitely generated projective modules over group algebras. Some results of Eckmann in this direction is extended.


16E40 (Co)homology of rings and associative algebras (e.g., Hochschild, cyclic, dihedral, etc.)
16W50 Graded rings and modules (associative rings and algebras)
16S34 Group rings
18G40 Spectral sequences, hypercohomology
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