
TAPSOFT ’95: Theory and practice of software development. 6th international joint conference CAAP/FASE, Aarhus, Denmark, May 1995. Proceedings. (English) Zbl 0835.68002

Lecture Notes in Computer Science 915. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. xv, 810 p. (1995).

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This book contains the papers presented at TAPSOFT ’95, the Sixth International Joint Conference on the Theory and Practice of Software Development. The book is divided into four parts.
The first part, called “Invited lectures”, contains: (1) “A decade of TAPSOFT: Aspects of progress and prospects in theory and practice of software development”, by H. Ehrig and B. Mahr, discusses the general background of TAPSOFT, mainly the algebraic methods as a support for software development; (2) “Theory and practice of software development - - stages in a debate”, by C. Floyd, presents the place of formal methods in software development; (3) “Rational spaces and set constraints”, by D. Kozen, investigates the topological structure of the space of solutions to systems of set constraints; (4) “Formal methods and social context in software development”, by J. A. Goguen and Luqi, describes some reasons explaining why formal methods have been accepted to the expected extent; (5) “Testing can be formal, too”, by M.-C. Gaudel, presents a theory of program testing based on formal specifications; (6) “Anatomy of the pentium bug”, by V. Pratt, points out some general background and new results concerning the Intel Pentium computer chip; (7) “Rational mechanics and natural mathematics”, by V. Pratt, uses Chu spaces for finding applications in computer science, mathematics and physics. The second part, “Colloquium on trees in algebra and programming” (CAAP), has 23 papers covering trees and automata, concurrency, logic and specification, formal languages, rewriting systems, semantics.
The third part, “Colloquium on formal approaches in software engineering” (FASE), has 21 papers being grouped into sessions on types, tools, static analysis, case studies, transformations, concurrency and specifications. The last part, “TOOLS”, presents some of the main tools that are currently available.
The articles of mathematical interest will be reviewed individually.
Indexed articles:
Ehrig, Hartmut; Mahr, Bernd, A decade of TAPSOFT. Aspects of progress and prospects in theory and practice of software development, 3-24 [Zbl 1496.68077]
Floyd, Christiane, Theory and practice of software development. Stages in a debate, 25-41 [Zbl 1496.68078]
Kozen, Dexter, Rational spaces and set constraints, 42-61 [Zbl 1496.68185]
Gaudel, Marie-Claude, Testing can be formal, too, 82-96 [Zbl 1496.68107]
Pratt, Vaughan, Rational mechanics and natural mathematics, 108-122 [Zbl 1514.00007]
Potthoff, Andreas, First-order logic on finite trees, 125-139 [Zbl 1496.68178]
Salomaa, Kai, Decidability of equivalence for deterministic synchronized tree automata, 140-154 [Zbl 1496.68180]
Andre, Yves; Bossut, Francis, The equivalence problem for letter-to-letter bottom-up tree transducers is solvable, 155-171 [Zbl 1496.68170]
Sangiorgi, Davide, \(\pi\)I: a symmetric calculus based on internal mobility, 172-186 [Zbl 1496.68244]
Lin, Huimin, Complete inference systems for weak bisimulation equivalences in the \(\pi\)-calculus, 187-201 [Zbl 1496.68238]
Amadio1, Roberto M.; Dam, Mads, Reasoning about higher-order processes, 202-216 [Zbl 1496.68211]
Liu, Xinxin; Walker, David, Confluence of processes and systems of objects, 217-231 [Zbl 1496.68239]
von Karger, Burghard, An algebraic approach to temporal logic, 232-246 [Zbl 1496.03137]
Hofmann, Martin; Sannella, Donald, On behavioural abstraction and behavioural satisfaction in higher-order logic, 247-261 [Zbl 1496.68190]
Jonsson, Bengt; Tsay, Yih-Kuen, Assumption/guarantee specifications in linear-time temporal logic (extended abstract), 262-276 [Zbl 1496.68192]
Selivanov, Victor, Fine hierarchy of regular \(\omega\)-languages, 277-287 [Zbl 1496.68181]
Wilke, Thomas; Yoo, Haiseung, Computing the Wadge degree, the Lifschitz degree, and the Rabin index of a regular language of infinite words in polynomial time, 288-302 [Zbl 1496.68183]
Wacrenier, Pierre-André, Semi-trace morphisms and rational transductions, 303-317 [Zbl 1496.68209]
Bloom, Stephen L.; Ésik, Zoltán, Nonfinite axiomatizability of shuffle inequalities, 318-333 [Zbl 1496.68206]
Sassone, Vladimiro, On the category of Petri net computations, 334-348 [Zbl 1496.68245]
Jančar, Petr, High undecidability of weak bisimilarity for Petri nets, 349-363 [Zbl 1496.68229]
Badouel, Eric; Bernardinello, Luca; Darondeau, Philippe, Polynomial algorithms for the synthesis of bounded nets, 364-378 [Zbl 1496.68212]
Krishna Rao, M. R. K., Semi-completeness of hierarchical and super-hierarchical combinations of term rewriting systems, 379-393 [Zbl 1496.68165]
Okui, Satoshi; Middeldorp, Aart; Ida, Tetsuo, Lazy narrowing: strong completeness and eager variable elimination (extended abstract), 394-408 [Zbl 1496.68167]
Wagner, Annika, On the expressive power of algebraic graph grammars with application conditions, 409-423 [Zbl 1496.68169]
Walicki, Michal; Meldal, Sigurd, Generated models and the \(\omega\)-rule: the nondeterministic case, 424-438 [Zbl 1496.68252]
Aceto, Luca; Ingólfsdóttir, Anna, CPO models for a class of GSOS languages, 439-453 [Zbl 1496.68210]
Peron, Adriano, Statecharts, transition structures and transformations, 454-468 [Zbl 1496.68242]
Abadi, Martín; Cardelli, Luca, An imperative object calculus, 471-485 [Zbl 1496.68098]
Karali, Isambo; Halatsis, Constantin, A refinement of import/export declarations in modular logic programming and its semantics, 486-500 [Zbl 1496.68088]
Solberg, Kirsten Lackner, Strictness and totality analysis with conjunction, 501-515 [Zbl 1496.68096]
Palsberg, Jens, Comparing flow-based binding-time analyses, 561-574 [Zbl 1496.68115]
Ørbæk, Peter, Can you trust your data?, 575-589 [Zbl 1496.68114]
Nielson, Hanne Riis; Nielson, Flemming, Static and dynamic processor allocation for higher-order concurrent languages, 590-604 [Zbl 1496.68113]
Sagiv, Mooly; Reps, Thomas; Horwitz, Susan, Precise interprocedural dataflow analysis with applications to constant propagation, 651-665 [Zbl 1496.68079]
Sands, David, Proving the correctness of recursion-based automatic program transformations, 681-695 [Zbl 1496.68118]
Bareau, Cyrille; Caillaud, Benoît; Jard, Claude; Thoraval, René, Measuring concurrency of regular distributed computations, 711-725 [Zbl 1496.68147]
Moreau, Luc, Non-speculative and upward invocation of continuations in a parallel language, 726-740 [Zbl 1496.68112]
Bert, Didier; Oriat, Catherine, A model inference system for generic specification with application to code sharing, 741-755 [Zbl 1496.68099]
Baumeister, Hubert, Relations as abstract datatypes: an institution to specify relations between algebras, 756-771 [Zbl 1496.68198]
Reviewer: M.Gheorghe


68-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to computer science
00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest
68Q42 Grammars and rewriting systems
68Q45 Formal languages and automata
68Q10 Modes of computation (nondeterministic, parallel, interactive, probabilistic, etc.)
68N99 Theory of software
68Q55 Semantics in the theory of computing
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