
Semi-strong chromatic number of a graph. (English) Zbl 0820.05024

The semi-strong chromatic number \(\chi_ s (G)\) of a graph \(G = (V,E)\) is the minimum order of a partition of \(V\) such that every set \(S\) of the partition has the property that no vertex of \(G\) has two neighbors in \(S\). The purpose of this paper is to initiate a study of \(\chi_ s (G)\). The authors determine the value of the semi-strong chromatic number for various highly-structured graphs including complete and complete bipartite graphs, wheels, trees and cycles. Also, they give tight bounds for block graphs and cacti and characterize the graphs \(G\) for which \(\chi_ s (G) = | V |\).
Reviewer: M.Kubale (Gdańsk)


05C15 Coloring of graphs and hypergraphs
05C35 Extremal problems in graph theory
05C70 Edge subsets with special properties (factorization, matching, partitioning, covering and packing, etc.)
05C75 Structural characterization of families of graphs