
\(L\)-functions of mixed motives. (English) Zbl 0812.14001

Jannsen, Uwe (ed.) et al., Motives. Proceedings of the summer research conference on motives, held at the University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA, July 20-August 2, 1991. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society. Proc. Symp. Pure Math. 55, Pt. 1, 517-525 (1994).
Let \(k\) be an algebraic number field of finite degree over \(\mathbb{Q}\). For a field \(K\) of characteristic zero let \({\mathcal M} {\mathcal M}_ K\) denote the \(\mathbb{Q}\)-linear category of mixed motives in the sense of U. Jannsen or P. Deligne. More generally, one may consider mixed motives (over \(K\)) with multiplication by a number field \(E\). These give an \(E\)-linear category \({\mathcal M} {\mathcal M}_ K (E)\) equivalent to the pseudo-abelian completion of \({\mathcal M} {\mathcal M}_ K \otimes E\). A similar result can be obtained for \({\mathcal M} {\mathcal H}_ K (E)\), where \({\mathcal M} {\mathcal H}_ K\) is the category of real mixed Hodge structures, if \(K = \mathbb{C}\) or \(\mathbb{R}\). In this last case \({\mathcal M} {\mathcal H}_ K\) will mean the category of real mixed Hodge structures equipped with an involution \(F_ \infty\) that respects the weight filtration and whose \(\mathbb{C}\)-linear extension to \(H_ \mathbb{C}\) \((H\) a real mixed Hodge structure) maps \(F^ \bullet H_ \mathbb{C}\) into \(\overline F^ \bullet H_ \mathbb{C}\). Now let \(M\) be a mixed motive in \({\mathcal M} {\mathcal M}_ k (E)\). Then one defines the \(L\)-function \(L(M,s)\) of \(M\) as the product \(L(M,s) = \prod_{\mathfrak p} L_{\mathfrak p} (M,s)\), where the product runs over the finite primes of \(k\) and where \(L_{\mathfrak p} (M,s)\) is the local \(L\)-function of \(M\) at \({\mathfrak p}\). This is an \((E \otimes \mathbb{C})\)-valued function of the form \((\text{det}_ \mathbb{C} (1 - F_{\mathfrak p} N{\mathfrak p}^{-s} | M^{I_{\mathfrak p}}_{\ell, \imath, \sigma})^{-1})_{\sigma \in \operatorname{Hom} (E, \mathbb{C})}\). \(F_{\mathfrak p}\) is the geometric Frobenius at \({\mathfrak p}\). The subscripts \(\ell\) and \(\imath\) mean that one takes the tensor product of the \(\ell\)-adic realization of \(M\) with \(\mathbb{C}\) over \(\mathbb{Q}_ \ell\) via the embedding \(\imath : \mathbb{Q}_ \ell \hookrightarrow \mathbb{C}\). \(I_{\mathfrak p}\) is the inertia subgroup of the absolute Galois group of \(k_{\mathfrak p}\) at \({\mathfrak p}\). If \({\mathfrak p}\) lies over the prime number \(p\), one takes \(\ell \neq p\). It is conjectured that \(L_{\mathfrak p} (M,s)\) does not depend on \(\ell\) or \(\imath\). For any prime \({\mathfrak p}\) at infinity one defines an \((E \otimes \mathbb{C})\)-valued \(L\)-factor \(L_{\mathfrak p} (M,s)\) in terms of gamma-functions determined by the Hodge structure of the Betti realization of \(M\). More specifically, for \(K = \mathbb{C}\) or \(\mathbb{R}\) and \(H\) an object of \({\mathcal M} {\mathcal H}_ K(E)\) one defines a \((E \otimes \mathbb{C})\)-invariant filtration \(\gamma^ \nu H_ \mathbb{C} = F^ \nu H_ \mathbb{C} \cap \overline F^ \nu H_ \mathbb{C}\) and the corresponding graduation determines the powers of the various gamma-functions. Finally one defines the completed \(L\)-function of the motive \(M\), \(\hat L(M,s)\), as the product \(\hat L(M,s) = L(M,s) \prod_{{\mathfrak p} | \infty} L_{\mathfrak p} (M,s)\). If \(w_{\max}\) is the maximal weight of \(M\) this completed \(L\)-function is holomorphic and non-vanishing in the halfplane \(\text{Re} (s) > w_{\max}/2 + 1\). One conjectures that \(\hat L(M,s)\) has a meromorphic continuation to the whole complex plane, and satisfies a functional equation of the form \(\hat L(M,s) = \varepsilon (M,s) \hat L (M^*,1-s)\), where \(M^*\) is the dual motive and \(\varepsilon (M,s) = ae^{bs}\) for some \(a \in (E \otimes \mathbb{C})^*\) and \(b \in E \otimes \mathbb{C}\). Furthermore, it is conjectured that \(\hat L(M,s) = {\hat L_ 1 (M,s) \over \hat L_{02} (M,s)}\), where \(\hat L_ 1 (M,s)\) is entire of genus one and \(\hat L_{02} (M,s)\) is a polynomial in \(s\) with integer zeros. One can give a conjectural description of \(\varepsilon (M,s)\) as a product of local \(\varepsilon\)-factors which are obtained from the restrictions of \(M \otimes k_{\mathfrak p}\) of \(M\) to \(\text{Spec}(k_{\mathfrak p})\).
For the entire collection see [Zbl 0788.00053].


14A20 Generalizations (algebraic spaces, stacks)
14F99 (Co)homology theory in algebraic geometry
14G10 Zeta functions and related questions in algebraic geometry (e.g., Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture)
11G40 \(L\)-functions of varieties over global fields; Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture