
Entropy and the consistent estimation of joint distributions. (English) Zbl 0806.28014

The empirical \(k\)-block distribution \(\widehat\mu_ k(a^ k_ 1)\) of \(a^ n_ 1= (a_ 1,\dots,a_ n)\) is defined by its frequency appearing consecutively in the sample \((x_ 1,\dots,x_ n)\) of an ergodic finite alphabet process. \(k(n)\) \((\leq n)\) is said to be admissible for the corresponding ergodic measure \(\mu\) if \(\sum_{a^ k_ 1} |\widehat\mu_{k(n)}(a^ k_ 1)- \mu_{k(n)}(a^ k_ 1)|\to 0\) \((n\to \infty)\) a.s. It is proven that for the ergodic \(\mu\) with positive entropy \(H\), \(k(n)\) is not admissible if \(k(n)\geq \log n/(H- \varepsilon)\), while in case of the process being weak Bernoulli, which includes i.i.d. processes, \(\varphi\)-mixing processes, aperiodic Markov chains and functions thereof and aperiodic renewal processes, it is admissible if \(k(n)\leq \log n/(H+\varepsilon)\).


28D20 Entropy and other invariants
60J05 Discrete-time Markov processes on general state spaces
62B99 Sufficiency and information
60G10 Stationary stochastic processes
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