
Logic design theory. (English) Zbl 0799.94015

Prentice-Hall International Editions. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. xiii, 306 p. (1993).
This book could be considered a reference work in the field of computer science and engineering that covers not only the basic principles of logic design but also introduces some new topics and approaches called by the impact that Very-Large-Scale-Integration (VLSI) has made in these areas. The author’s main task is not to deal in a single book with all the aspects of logic design, but to facilitate a proper understanding and handling ability of the special problems posed by VLSI design.
Consequently, after a concise revision of the fundamentals in the domain of switching theory, including postulates and fundamental theorems of Boolean algebra, Boolean functions and logical operations, Karnaugh maps are presented here for their powerful potential to investigate analytically the properties of switching functions. The author is gradually introducing the new subjects demanded by the VLSI environment, such as tabular and computer aided minimization procedures, Programmable Logic Arrays (PLAs), design for testability, fault-tolerance, built-in self-test or the incompletely specified sequential machines and the fundamental-mode sequential machines.
The presentation of the Quine-McClusky and CAMP tabular methods as so- called minterm based minimization algorithms, is done as an essential step for understanding and developing the so-called cube-based algorithms suitable for the design of VLSI circuits and systems.
As concerns the combinational circuits, special attention is paid to PLAs and to the two operations which determine the best utilization of the silicon area of the PLA chip-minimization, which reduces the number of product terms of the output function, and folding, which reduces the area occupied by crosspoints. Some basic ideas about faults in logic circuit, their diagnosis and testing, with a special care for the test vectors generation and also the use of hardware redundancy for obtaining fault tolerance, are further discussed.
The design for testability (DFT) concept is introduced using again the PLA structure. The major goals of testable design are stated and two DFT schemes are explained as practical implementations. It is also shown how the built-in self-test techniques can overcome the limitations of external testing.
The last part is concerned with sequential circuits. The general form definition of the clock-mode sequential machines is formulated and the various steps of their synthesis are summarized. It could be seen how the state minimization based on the equivalent states determination is achieved. The reader is then introduced to the complex minimization procedure of the incompletely specified sequential machines, based this time on compatible states determination. Finally, the characteristics of a sequential machine operating in the fundamental mode are listed.
The reader is significantly aided by all the important results and conclusions continuously stated as theorems and also the various examples. The large number of problems and references is also remarkable.
This book is intended primarily for students in the disciplines of computer engineering and science but also for computer engineers and scientists in industrial research and development laboratories.


94C10 Switching theory, application of Boolean algebra; Boolean functions (MSC2010)
94-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to information and communication theory
94-01 Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to information and communication theory
94C12 Fault detection; testing in circuits and networks
94C30 Applications of design theory to circuits and networks
94C05 Analytic circuit theory