
System modelling and optimization. Proceedings of the 16th IFIP-TC7 conference, Compiègne, France, July 5-9, 1993. (English) Zbl 0799.00038

Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. 197. London: Springer- Verlag. xix, 976 p. (1994).

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Indexed articles:
Kall, P., Solution methods in stochastic programming, 3-22 [Zbl 0812.90121]
Levine, William S., Some uses of optimization for studying the control of animal movement, 23-41 [Zbl 0812.90141]
Chazelle, Bernard, Deterministic sampling and optimization, 42-54 [Zbl 0809.65150]
Kumar, V.; Grama, Ananth Y., Parallel search algorithms for discrete optimization problems, 55-69 [Zbl 0811.90087]
Triggiani, R., Min-max game theory for partial differential equations with boundary/point control and disturbance. An abstract approach, 70-89 [Zbl 0813.90142]
Haurie, Alain, Stochastic differential games in economic modeling, 90-108 [Zbl 0811.90141]
Malanowski, K., Stability and sensitivity analysis of solutions to infinite-dimensional optimization problems, 109-127 [Zbl 0810.90137]
Díaz, J. I., Approximate controllability for some nonlinear parabolic problems, 128-143 [Zbl 0822.93010]
Lemaréchal, Claude; Sagastizábal, Claudia, An approach to variable metric bundle methods, 144-162 [Zbl 0811.90085]
Klatte, Diethard, Perturbation of stationary solutions in semi-infinite optimization, 167-176 [Zbl 0811.90105]
Brännlund, Ulf, A descent method with relaxation type step, 177-186 [Zbl 0811.90084]
Cegielski, Andrzej, Projection onto an acute cone and convex feasibility problem, 187-194 [Zbl 0816.90108]
Kočvara, Michal; Outrata, Jiří, A numerical approach to the design of masonry structures, 195-205 [Zbl 0824.49031]
Lucidi, S.; Roma, M., Nonmonotone conjugate gradient methods for optimization, 206-214 [Zbl 0811.90100]
Evtushenko, Yuri G.; Zhadan, Vitali G., Barrier-Newton methods in mathematical programming, 215-224 [Zbl 0811.90098]
Burdakov, Oleg; Felgenhauer, Ursula, Stable multipoint secant methods with released requirements to points position, 225-236 [Zbl 0806.65046]
Faybusovich, Leonid, Dikin’s algorithm for matrix linear programming problems, 237-247 [Zbl 0811.90065]
Tammer, Christiane, A variational principle and a fixed point theorem, 248-257 [Zbl 0814.49005]
Strekalovsky, Alexander, On global search based on global optimality conditions, 261-267 [Zbl 0810.90105]
Koakutsu, Seiichi; Hirata, Hironori, Genetic simulated annealing for floorplan design, 268-277 [Zbl 0810.90108]
Li, Wei; Peng, Yi-bin; Dai, Wen-hua, Applications of simulated annealing to district heating network design and extension, to CMOS circuits sizing and to filter bank design, 278-285 [Zbl 0810.90142]
Dragan, Irinel, Gale’s feasibility theorem on network flows and a bargaining set for cooperative TU games, 289-297 [Zbl 0811.90122]
Zakharov, Victor V., One approach to allocating the damage to environment, 298-304 [Zbl 0810.90025]
Funke, Birger, Local vector optimization within a configuration process, 305-312 [Zbl 0810.90140]
Evstigneev, Igor V.; Greenwood, Priscilla E., Stochastic extrema, splitting random elements and models of crack formation, 315-319 [Zbl 0835.60044]
Gaivoronski, A. A.; Messina, E., Stochastic optimization algorithms for regenerative DEDS, 320-331 [Zbl 0810.90099]
Frauendorfer, K., Stochastic dynamic optimization: Modelling and methodological aspects, 332-341 [Zbl 0810.90132]
Buráň, P.; Doležal, J., Modelling, control and optimization of mechanical systems with open chains in robotics, 345-354 [Zbl 0825.93517]
Narin’yani, A. S.; Semenov, A. L.; Babichev, A. B.; Kashevarova, T. P.; Leshchenko, A. S., A new approach to solving algebraic systems by means of sub-definite models, 355-364 [Zbl 0805.65050]
Schuster, Stefan; Höfer, Thomas; Hilgetag, Claus; Schuster, Ronny, Use of convex analysis for the modelling of biochemical reaction systems, 365-374 [Zbl 0812.90142]
Kovanic, P.; Barack, R. A., Robust survival model as an optimization problem, 375-382 [Zbl 0810.90049]
Pronzato, L.; Walter, E., Maximum-volume ellipsoids contained in bounded convex sets: Application to batch and on-line parameter bounding, 383-392 [Zbl 0825.65138]
Gajda, Janusz, Optimal identification of the flotation process, 393-401 [Zbl 0825.93051]
Scharfetter, H.; Hutten, H., Computer model for simulating control of the water and electrolyte state in the human body, 402-411 [Zbl 0803.92015]
Trajanoski, Z.; Wach, P.; Kotanko, P.; Skrabal, F., Subcutaneous insulin absorption model for parameter estimation from time- course of plasma insulin, 412-421 [Zbl 0803.92017]
Hoffmann, Armin, Duality and optimality conditions for infinite dimensional optimization problems, 425-436 [Zbl 0810.49028]
Maurer, Helmut; Pesch, Hans Josef, Solution differentiability for parametric nonlinear control problems with inequality constraints, 437-446 [Zbl 0812.49029]
Samborski, Sergei N., Spectral idempotent analysis and estimates of the Bellman function, 447-455 [Zbl 0874.49023]
Maslov, Victor P.; Samborski, Sergei N., Boundary value problems for stationary Hamilton-Jacobi and Bellman equations, 456-465 [Zbl 0820.49014]
Kabziński, Jacek, Optimal, piecewise constant control with bounded number of discontinuities, 466-474 [Zbl 0809.49001]
Starkov, Konstantin E., Observers for polynomial vector fields of odd degree, 475-478 [Zbl 0820.93011]
Warchoł, Michał; Malinowski, Krzysztof, Algorithm for solution of optimization problems under multiple scenarios of uncontrolled inputs, 479-490 [Zbl 0808.49031]
Chudej, Kurt, Optimization of the stage separation and the flight path of a future launch vehicle, 491-500 [Zbl 0825.93576]
Kora, R.; Lesueur, P.; Villon, P., A real-time optimal control algorithm for water treatment plants, 501-510 [Zbl 0826.90080]
Petrosjan, Leon A., Strongly time consistent optimality principles for the game with discount payoffs, 513-520 [Zbl 0812.90147]
Slobodinskaia, T. V., The detection probabilities in simultaneous pursuit games, 521-526 [Zbl 0819.90145]
Radjef, M. S., The \(\alpha\)-core of the positional differential cooperative game, 527-537 [Zbl 0828.90146]
Ye, J. J., Generalized Bellman-Hamilton-Jacobi equations for piecewise deterministic Markov processes, 541-550 [Zbl 0812.90140]
Jeanblanc-Picqué, Monique, An application of impulse control method to target zone problem, 551-559 [Zbl 0812.90007]
Rempała, R., Optimal strategy in a trading problem with stochastic prices, 560-566 [Zbl 0811.90017]
Cividini, Andrea; Siviero, Stefano, Evaluating welfare losses due to the use of approximated stochastic optimal control algorithms: An application to the Banca d’Italia quarterly model, 567-576 [Zbl 0816.90028]
El Badia, Abdellatif, Unique continuation Mizohata theorem and inverse problems for heat equations, 579-589 [Zbl 0822.35146]
Ainseba, B. E.; Kernevez, J. P.; Luce, R., Identification of parameters in nonlinear problems with missing data. Application to the identification of pollutions in a river, 590-599 [Zbl 0816.93063]
Carotenuto, L.; Famularo, D.; Raiconi, G., Boundary condition identification from noisy pointwise measurements for elliptic distributed parameter systems, 600-611 [Zbl 0821.93040]
Bénard, C.; Guerrier, B.; Liu, H. G.; Wang, X., Inverse 2D phase change problem, 612-623 [Zbl 0824.93045]
Bergounioux, Maïtine, A Lagrangian algorithm for state constrained boundary control problems, 624-633 [Zbl 0812.49005]
Rogowski, Andrzej, Duality for nonconvex optimal control problems governed by parabolic, periodical systems in complex Hilbert spaces. Necessary and sufficient optimality conditions, 634-641 [Zbl 0817.49024]
Niane, Mary Teuw; Seck, Ousmane, Exact controllability of the wave equation in a polygonal domain with cracks by acting on a neighbourhood of the boundary, 642-651 [Zbl 0824.93031]
Casas, Eduardo; Fernández, Luis Alberto; Yong, Jiongmin, Optimal control problems of quasilinear parabolic equations, 652-659 [Zbl 0809.49020]
Montseny, G.; Benchimol, P.; Plantie, L., Characterization of controllability via a regular function: Example of the vibrating string, 660-669 [Zbl 0815.93011]
Männikkö, Timo; Bodart, Olivier; Kernévez, Jean-Pierre, Numerical methods to compute sentinels for parabolic systems with an application to source terms identification, 670-679 [Zbl 0815.93042]
Styczeń, Krystyn; Nitka-Styczeń, Krystyna, Optimal periodic control for distributed-parameter systems via reduced gradient methods, 680-689 [Zbl 0823.93028]
Cherruault, Yves, Adomian’s method applied to identification and optimal control problems, 690-697 [Zbl 0826.93020]
Rao, Bopeng, A remark on stabilization of the SCOLE model with an a priori bounded boundary control, 698-705 [Zbl 0810.93041]
Horn, Mary Ann, Nonlinear boundary stabilization of a von Kármán plate via bending moments only, 706-715 [Zbl 0819.93060]
Mottelet, Stéphane; Joly Blanchard, Ghislaine; Yvon, Jean-Pierre, Design of a feedback controller for wave generators in a canal using \(H_ \infty\) methods, 716-726 [Zbl 0825.93577]
Myslinski, Andrzej, Shape optimization of nonlinear contact problems with prescribed friction, 727-736 [Zbl 0808.49034]
Lahdelma, Risto; Ruuth, Sampo, A modified Benders’ decomposition technique for solving large scale unit commitment problems, 739-745 [Zbl 0811.90079]
Spengler, Th.; Nicolai, M.; Rentz, O.; Ruch, M., Development of a mixed integer programming model for the optimal recycling of demolition waste, 746-755 [Zbl 0811.90113]
Kolokolov, Alexander A., The the \(L\)-structure of integer linear programming problems, 756-760 [Zbl 0811.90074]
Yang, Jian-Bo; Sen, Pratyush, An artificial neural network approach for nonlinear optimization with discrete design variables, 761-770 [Zbl 0811.90078]
Skulimowski, Andrzej M. J., Optimizing the structure of a partitioned population, 771-782 [Zbl 0822.90090]
Bianco, L.; Dell’Olmo, P., The minimization of resource costs in scheduling independent tasks with fixed completion time, 785-794 [Zbl 0811.90044]
Finel, Brigitte; Portmann, Marie-Claude, A stochastic scheduling problem issued from iron and steel industry: Some results, 795-804 [Zbl 0811.90060]
Lescrenier, Marc J. A., A decision aid tool for deliveries planning in a cement plant, 805-810 [Zbl 0925.90247]
Sagai, Shigeo; Fujii, Yoshifumi; Shiina, Takayuki, An estimation of energy saving potential by the allocation of co-generation systems, 811-820 [Zbl 0925.90249]
Roussel, G.; Maouche, S., Automatic lay planning for irregular shapes on plain fabric. Search in direct graph and \(A_ \varepsilon\) \(\varepsilon\)-admissible resolution, 821-832 [Zbl 0811.90090]
Botkin, N. D.; Turova-Botkina, V. L., An algorithm for finding the Chebyshev center of a convex polyhedron, 835-844 [Zbl 0825.65136]
Lacolle, B.; Szafran, N.; Valentin, P., Zonohedra, zonoids and mixtures management, 845-854 [Zbl 0825.65137]
Roos, Thomas; Widmayer, Peter, \(k\)-violation linear programming, 855-862 [Zbl 0816.90104]
Carlier, Jacques; Li, Yu; Lutton, Jean-luc, Evaluation of telecommunication network performances, 865-874 [Zbl 0811.90034]
Castro, Jordi; Nabona, Narcís, Nonlinear multicommodity network flows through primal partitioning and comparison with alternative methods, 875-884 [Zbl 0811.90032]
Hirata, Hironori; Uno, Tatsuya; Koakutsu, Seiichi, A flow network model based on information, and its stability: An application to ecological systems, 885-894 [Zbl 0809.92023]
Onizuka, Kotaro, Super low frequency response of water distribution networks with application, 895-904 [Zbl 0811.90056]
Phillips, Robert L., A marginal-value approach to airline origin \(\&\) destination revenue management, 907-917 [Zbl 0925.90248]
Du, Zhen-Ping; Nicholson, Alan J., Sensitivity analysis for degradable transportation systems, 918-927 [Zbl 0811.90028]
Grega, Wojciech, Convergence and optimality of two-step algorithms for public transportation system optimization, 928-937 [Zbl 0812.90042]
Shooman, Martin L.; Marshall, Clifford, A mathematical formulation of reliability optimized design, 941-950 [Zbl 0811.90041]
Odeh, K.; Limnios, N., An efficient method for probability evaluation of a fault-tree, 951-956 [Zbl 0811.90040]
Levner, Eugene; Zuckerman, Dror; Gens, George; Ptuskin, Alexander, Optimal strategies for the preventive maintenance of real-time repairable systems, 957-966 [Zbl 0816.90066]
Kessel, H. M.; Haller, P.; Bertolino, F., Simulation of structural members taking into account the material distribution and the correlation, 967-976 [Zbl 0825.73287]


00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest
90-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to operations research and mathematical programming
93-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to systems and control theory
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