
Classification of algebraic varieties. Algebraic geometry conference on classification of algebraic varieties, May 22-30, 1992, University of L’Aquila, L’Aquila, Italy. (English) Zbl 0791.00020

Contemporary Mathematics. 162. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society (AMS). xx, 410 p. (1994).

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The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually.
Indexed articles:
Alzati, A.; Pirola, G. P., On curves in \(C^{(2)}\) generating proper abelian subvarieties of \(\text{J}(C)\), 1-17 [Zbl 0818.14013]
Bădescu, Lucian, Lefschetz type results for proper intersections, 19-30 [Zbl 0837.14015]
Beltrametti, Mauro C.; Sommese, Andrew J., Some effects of the spectral values on reductions, 31-48 [Zbl 0829.14003]
Bolondi, Giorgio, Surfaces in \(\mathbb{P}^ 4\) and deficiency modules, 49-63 [Zbl 0823.14036]
Campana, F., The class \({\mathcal C}\) is not stable by small deformations. II, 65-76 [Zbl 0811.32021]
Catanese, F.; Cragnolini, P.; Oliverio, P., Surfaces with \(K^ 2 = \chi =2\) and special nets of quadrics in 3-space, 77-128 [Zbl 0833.14024]
Ciliberto, Ciro; van der Geer, Gerard, Non-isomorphic curves of genus four with isomorphic (non-polarized) Jacobians, 129-133 [Zbl 0823.14011]
Fantechi, Barbara, Deformations of symmetric products of curves, 135-141 [Zbl 0826.14018]
Flenner, Hubert; Zaidenberg, Mikhail, \(\mathbb{Q}\)-acyclic surfaces and their deformations, 143-208 [Zbl 0838.14027]
Grassi, A., On a question of J. Kollár, 209-214 [Zbl 0860.14015]
Ionescu, Paltin; Toma, Matei, Boundedness for some special families of embedded manifolds, 215-225 [Zbl 0848.14001]
Jaczewski, Krzysztof, Generalized Euler sequence and toric varieties, 227-247 [Zbl 0837.14042]
Kleiman, Steven L., A generalized Teissier-Plücker formula, 249-260 [Zbl 0820.14039]
Kollár, János, Log surfaces of general type; some conjectures, 261-275 [Zbl 0860.14014]
Lanteri, A.; Palleschi, M.; Sommese, A. J., On triple covers of \(\mathbb{P}^ n\) as very ample divisors, 277-292 [Zbl 0841.14003]
Miranda, Rick, Component numbers for torsion sections of semistable elliptic surfaces, 293-311 [Zbl 0839.14041]
Moishezon, Boris; Teicher, Mina, Braid group techniques in complex geometry. III: Projective degeneration of \(V_ 3\), 313-332 [Zbl 0815.14023]
Moishezon, Boris; Teicher, Mina, Braid group techniques in complex geometry. IV: Braid monodromy of the branch curve \(S_ 3\) of \(V_ 3\to\mathbb{C}\mathbb{P}^ 2\) and application to \(\pi_ 1(\mathbb{C}\mathbb{P}^ 2-S_ 3,\ast)\), 333-358 [Zbl 0815.14024]
Sakai, Fumio, On the irregularity of cyclic coverings of the projective plane, 359-369 [Zbl 0830.14005]
Swinnerton-Dyer, Peter, Counting rational points on cubic surfaces, 371-379 [Zbl 0844.14008]
Wahl, Jonathan, Miyaoka-Yau inequality for normal surfaces and local analogues, 381-402 [Zbl 0820.14027]
Wilson, P. M. H., Minimal models of Calabi-Yau threefolds, 403-410 [Zbl 0823.14027]


00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest
14-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to algebraic geometry
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