
Elliptic curves and related topics. (English) Zbl 0788.00052

CRM Proceedings & Lecture Notes. 4. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society (AMS). viii, 195 p. (1994).

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Indexed articles:
Frey, Gerhard, Construction and arithmetical applications of modular forms of low weight, 1-21 [Zbl 0814.11027]
Rubin, Karl, More “Main Conjectures” for imaginary quadratic fields, 23-28 [Zbl 0809.11066]
Cremona, John E., Periods of cusp forms and elliptic curves over imaginary quadratic fields, 29-44 [Zbl 0914.11024]
Darmon, Henri, Heegner points, Heegner cycles, and congruences, 45-59 [Zbl 0813.11036]
Gebel, Josef; Zimmer, Horst G., Computing the Mordell-Weil group of an elliptic curve over \(\mathbb{Q}\), 61-83 [Zbl 0809.14024]
Gouvêa, Fernando Q., Continuity properties of \(p\)-adic modular forms, 85-100 [Zbl 0829.11026]
Greenberg, Ralph, Elliptic curves and \(p\)-adic deformations, 101-110 [Zbl 0821.14021]
Im, John, Twisted tensor \(L\)-functions attached to Hilbert modular forms, 111-119 [Zbl 0805.11043]
Mai, Liem; Murty, M. Ram, A note on quadratic twists of an elliptic curve, 121-124 [Zbl 0806.14025]
Rohrlich, David E., Elliptic curves and the Weil-Deligne group, 125-157 [Zbl 0852.14008]
Shahidi, Freydoon, Symmetric power \(L\)-functions for \(GL(2)\), 159-182 [Zbl 0833.11016]
Zarhin, Yuri G., \(\ell\)-adic representations and Lie algebras, 183-195 [Zbl 0827.14032]


00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest
11-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to number theory
14-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to algebraic geometry