
On an Emden-Fowler type equation. (English) Zbl 0781.35021

The authors study the problem: \[ \Delta_ p u=- \text{div}(|\text{grad } u|^{p-2}\text{grad }u)= \lambda e^ u\text{ in }\Omega,\;u=0\text{ on }\partial\Omega, \] where \(\lambda>0\) and \(\Omega\) is a smooth bounded domain in \(\mathbb{R}^ n\). If \(1<p<n\), then there is a constant \(\lambda'\) such that for \(0<\lambda<\lambda'\) the problem has a solution. If \(p\geq n\), then for small \(\lambda\) there exist at least two solutions. There is \(\lambda_ 0\) such that for \(\lambda<\lambda_ 0\) the problem has no solutions. If \(\Omega=\mathbb{R}^ n\), then for all \(\lambda>0\) the solution does not exist in the class \(W_{1,p}(\mathbb{R}^ n)\).


35J70 Degenerate elliptic equations
35B05 Oscillation, zeros of solutions, mean value theorems, etc. in context of PDEs
35D10 Regularity of generalized solutions of PDE (MSC2000)
35D05 Existence of generalized solutions of PDE (MSC2000)
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