
Logics in AI. European workshop JELIA ’90, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, September 10-14, 1990. Proceedings. (English) Zbl 0768.00012

Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 478. Berlin etc.: Springer-Verlag. IX, 562 p. (1991).

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Indexed articles:
Asher, Nicholas; Morreau, Michael, Commonsense entailment: A modal theory of nonmonotonic reasoning, 1-30 [Zbl 0789.03022]
Dunn, J. Michael, Gaggle theory: An abstraction of Galois connections and residuation, with applications to negation, implication, and various logical operators, 31-51 [Zbl 0814.03044]
Gärdenfors, Peter, Belief revision and nonmonotonic logic: Two sides of the same coin?, 52-54 [Zbl 0797.03019]
Groenendijk, Jeroen; Stokhof, Martin, Two theories of dynamic semantics, 55-64 [Zbl 0797.03023]
Langholm, Tore, What is a Horn clause in partial logic?, 65-77 [Zbl 0797.03028]
Pereira, Fernando C. N., Semantic interpretation as higher-order deduction, 78-96 [Zbl 0797.03024]
Pratt, Vaughan, Action logic and pure induction, 97-120 [Zbl 0814.03024]
Bol, Roland N., Loop checking and negation, 121-138 [Zbl 0797.68104]
Buszkowski, Wojciech, On generative capacity of the Lambek calculus, 139-152 [Zbl 0797.03027]
Caferra, Ricardo; Zabel, Nicolas, Extending resolution for model construction, 153-169 [Zbl 0797.03009]
Davies, Nick, A first order logic of truth, knowledge and belief, 170-179 [Zbl 0797.03020]
Delahaye, J. P.; Thibau, V., The optimal model of a program with negation, 180-195 [Zbl 0789.68089]
Doherty, Patrick, NM3 – a three-valued cumulative non-monotonic formalism, 196-211 [Zbl 0789.03024]
Fraňová, Marta, Constructive matching – a methodology for inductive theorem proving, 212-226 [Zbl 0789.68124]
Freund, Michael; Lehmann, Daniel, Deductive inference operations, 227-233 [Zbl 0790.03023]
Frisch, Alan M.; Scherl, Richard B., A constraint logic approach to modal deduction, 234-250 [Zbl 0796.03013]
Gardent, Claire, Dynamic semantics and VP-ellipsis, 251-266 [Zbl 0797.03022]
van der Hoek, Wiebe, Systems for knowledge and beliefs, 267-281 [Zbl 0814.03014]
Huang, Zhisheng; Kwast, Karen, Awareness, negation and logical omniscience, 282-300 [Zbl 0797.03021]
Jaspars, Jan, Theoretical circumscription in partial modal logic, 301-316 [Zbl 0798.03027]
Laenens, E.; Vermeir, D., A logical basis for object oriented programming, 317-332 [Zbl 0797.03026]
Lakemeyer, Gerhard, A computationally attractive first-order logic of belief, 333-347 [Zbl 0789.68128]
Leiß, Hans, Polymorphic constructs in natural and programming languages, 348-365 [Zbl 0797.68132]
Markov, Zdravko; Dichev, Christo, The net-clause language – a tool for data-driven inference, 366-385 [Zbl 0789.68127]
Mathieu, Philippe; Delahaye, Jean-Paul, The logical compilation of knowledge bases, 386-398 [Zbl 0789.68136]
Meyer, J.-J. Ch.; van der Hoek, W., Non-monotonic reasoning by monotonic means, 399-411 [Zbl 0789.68129]
Muskens, Reinhard, Anaphora and the logic of change, 412-427 [Zbl 0789.68117]
Niemelä, Ilkka, Towards automatic autoepistemic reasoning, 428-443 [Zbl 0789.68130]
Petermann, Uwe, Towards a connection procedure with built in theories, 444-453 [Zbl 0796.03011]
Rahat, Amir; Francez, Nissim; Shmueli, Oded, On the equivalence of deferred substitution and immediate substitution semantics for logic programs, 454-471 [Zbl 0789.68020]
Singh, Munindar P.; Asher, Nicholas M., Towards a formal theory of intentions, 472-486 [Zbl 0789.68131]
Stachniak, Z., Note on effective constructibility of resolution proof systems, 487-498 [Zbl 0790.03011]
Voorbraak, Frans, The logic of objective knowledge and rational belief, 499-515 [Zbl 0789.68132]
Vreeswijk, Gerard, A complete logic for autoepistemic membership, 516-525 [Zbl 0789.03025]
Weydert, Emil, Doxastic preference logic. A new look at belief revision, 526-543 [Zbl 0790.03027]
Witteveen, Cees, Partial semantics for truth maintenance – a compositional approach, 544-561 [Zbl 0789.68133]


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