
On an integral equation of the first kind arising from a cruciform crack problem. (English) Zbl 0753.65098

Integral equations and inverse problems, Proc. Int. Conf., Varna/Bulg. 1989, Pitman Res. Notes Math. Ser. 235, 210-219 (1991).
[For the entire collection see Zbl 0722.00034).]
From the introduction: The integral equation (1) \(\pi^{-1}\int^ 1_{-1}[(y-x)^{-1} +y(y^ 2-x^ 2)/(y^ 2+x^ 2)]\allowbreak u(y)dy=f(x)\), \(-1<x<1\), subject to the condition (2) \(\int^ 1_{- 1}u(y)dy=0\) is considered. In equation (1) \(f\) is a given function, \(u\) is the unknown solution, and the first integral term is to be interpreted as a Cauchy principal value. The problem (1)-(2) arises in the study of a cruciform crack in an infinite isotropic elastic medium under constant load \(f\equiv 1\) along its four branches.
Results on the solvability and asymptotics of the solution are given and a numerical quadrature formula method for the solution of the integral equation is presented.


65R20 Numerical methods for integral equations
74R99 Fracture and damage
45M05 Asymptotics of solutions to integral equations
45E05 Integral equations with kernels of Cauchy type


Zbl 0722.00034