
Generic representation theory and Lannes’ T-functor. (English) Zbl 0752.55013

Adams memorial symposium on algebraic topology, vol. 2, Proc. Symp., Manchester/UK 1990, Lond. Math. Soc. Lect. Note Ser. 176, 235-262 (1992).
[For the entire collection see Zbl 0743.00067.]
J. Lannes [Homotopy theory, Proc. Symp., Durham 1985, Lond. Math. Soc. Lect. Note Ser. 117, 97-116 (1987; Zbl 0654.55013)] has treated new results (underlying topological ones) about \(H^*(V)\), the \({}\bmod p\) cohomology of an elementary abelian \(p\)-group \(V\), viewed as an object in \({\mathcal U}_ p\), the category of unstable modules over the Steenrod algebra \(A_ p\). He considers the functor \(T_ V: {\mathcal U}_ p\to{\mathcal U}_ p\), left adjoint to \(H^*(V)\otimes_ -\). The present paper gives an exposition of \(T_ V\) and its properties from the point of view of a representation theoretic framework for understanding Steenrod algebra “technology”. Four properties of \(T_ V\) (considered as fundamental by the author) are stated and new insights into the interdependence of these are given.


55S10 Steenrod algebra
18G60 Other (co)homology theories (MSC2010)
18A40 Adjoint functors (universal constructions, reflective subcategories, Kan extensions, etc.)