
The mathematics of projectiles in sport. (English) Zbl 0746.70001

Australian Mathematical Society Lecture Series. 6. Cambridge (GB): Cambridge University Press. xii, 175 p. (1990).
The first seven chapters of this book include a great variety of basic mathematical techniques needed in solving problems of projectile motion. The final chapter 8 surveys applications to sports and recreational problems (ranging from the motion of balls in various games of frisbees, ski jumping, water jets, and seeds scattered by an exploding pod). The author gives an extensive reference list of papers and books discussing these problems in greater detail, and indicates the current research status of various problems.
The background assumed of the reader is basic classical mechanics, calculus, differential equations and their numerical solution. The book begins with the motion of a particle under constant gravity, and then discusses numerous corrections (such as drag, Coriolis force, aerodynamic forces, spin effects). There are problems for the reader at the ends of the chapters. The writing is clear and the book is very free of errors. The early chapters could well serve advanced undergraduates as a source of interesting problems; the later chapters and references could provide research material for graduate students or faculty.


70-01 Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to mechanics of particles and systems
70Fxx Dynamics of a system of particles, including celestial mechanics
70E15 Free motion of a rigid body
76G25 General aerodynamics and subsonic flows
00A69 General applied mathematics
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