
Eigenwerteinschließung bei nichtselbstadjungierten Eigenwertaufgaben. (Eigenvalue inclusion for nonselfadjoint eigenvalue problems). (German) Zbl 0716.65078

A generalized eigenvalue problem of the form \((A_ 0+K)u=\lambda L_ 0u,\quad u\in D(A_ 0)\) is considered, where \(A_ 0\), K and \(L_ 0\) are linear differential operators and \(D(A_ 0)\) is the domain of definition of \(A_ 0\). The operators \(A_ 0\) and \(L_ 0\) are assumed to be symmetric and positive definite; K is supposed to be of lower order than \(A_ 0\), but not necessarily symmetric. J. D. P. Donnelly treated this problem [J. Inst. Math. Appl. 13, 249-261 (1974; Zbl 0287.65049)] for the case \(L_ 0=I.\)
Assuming the knowledge of the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenfunctions of the eigenvalue problem \(A_ 0v=\lambda L_ 0v\), \(v\in D(A_ 0)\) the original problem can be transformed into an eigenvalue problem with infinite matrices. After a suitable transformation of a finite part of this matrix eigenvalue problem employing the QZ-algorithm, a generalization of the Gerschgorin theorem can be used for eigenvalue inclusion. A single Gerschgorin disk being isolated from the other inclusion sets for eigenvalues furnishes an inclusion for a single eigenvalue. As an application domains of stability and instability were calculated for the Orr-Sommerfeld equation in the case of a plane Poiseuille flow.
Reviewer: P.P.Klein


65L15 Numerical solution of eigenvalue problems involving ordinary differential equations
34L15 Eigenvalues, estimation of eigenvalues, upper and lower bounds of ordinary differential operators
76E05 Parallel shear flows in hydrodynamic stability
65L07 Numerical investigation of stability of solutions to ordinary differential equations
34D20 Stability of solutions to ordinary differential equations
34B30 Special ordinary differential equations (Mathieu, Hill, Bessel, etc.)


Zbl 0287.65049