
Topics in combinatorics and graph theory. Essays in honour of Gerhard Ringel. (English) Zbl 0698.00017

Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag. xx, 792 p. (1990).

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The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually under the abbreviation “Topics in combinatorics and graph theory. Essays in honour of Gerhard Ringel (1990)”.
Indexed articles:
Bodendiek, R.; Wagner, K., On the problem of relative components of minimal graphs, 1-27 [Zbl 0751.05055]
Aigner, Martin; Triesch, Eberhard, Irregular assignments and two problems à la Ringel, 29-36 [Zbl 0752.05034]
Alspach, Brian R.; George, John C., One-factorizations of tensor products of graphs, 41-46 [Zbl 0768.05075]
Bauer, D.; Broersma, H. J.; Veldman, H. J., Around three lemmas in Hamiltonian graph theory, 101-110 [Zbl 0736.05054]
Böhme, T., A note on metric properties of infinite graphs, 111-115 [Zbl 0768.05032]
Damaschke, P., Forbidden ordered subgraphs, 219-229 [Zbl 0736.05065]
Faudree, R. J.; Gould, R. J.; Jacobson, M. S.; Schelp, R. H., Two-irregular graphs, 239-248 [Zbl 0744.05014]
Grötschel, M.; Wakabayashi, Y., Composition of facets of the clique partitioning polytope, 271-284 [Zbl 0753.90066]
Grünwald, N., Optimal edge-numbering of binary trees, 285-289 [Zbl 0747.05031]
Guy, R. K.; Nowakowski, R. J., The outerthickness & outercoarseness of graphs. I: The complete graph & the \(n\)-cube, 297-310 [Zbl 0742.05069]
Havel, I., On certain trees in hypercubes, 353-358 [Zbl 0743.05016]
Horák, P., Transversals and matroids, 381-389 [Zbl 0749.05027]
Mao, Jingzhong, Classification and construction of geodetic block with diameter two, 391-395 [Zbl 0743.05035]
Katona, G. O. H.; Schild, G., Linear inequalities describing the class of intersecting Sperner families of subsets. I, 413-420 [Zbl 0748.05005]
Labahn, R.; Warnke, I., Quick gossiping by multi-telegraphs, 451-458 [Zbl 0749.05061]
Lang, R., Numberings on graphs having small edge weights, 459-469 [Zbl 0735.05073]
Loebl, M.; Poljak, S., Subgraph packing – a survey, 491-503 [Zbl 0768.05078]
Marcu, D., A result in combinatorial matroid theory, 513-517 [Zbl 0737.05035]
Novák, Jiří, On cyclic representations of triples by pairs, 531-540 [Zbl 0744.05023]
Rausche, A., On an inequality of Sperner, 569-576 [Zbl 0738.05010]
Sachs, H., Counting perfect matchings in lattice graphs, 577-584 [Zbl 0735.05067]
Skupien, Z., From tree path-factors and doubly exponential sequences to a binomial inequality, 595-603 [Zbl 0760.05005]
Sze-Chin, S., A characterization of point-colour-symmetric hypergraphs, 605-612 [Zbl 0757.05086]
Schild, G., The time travelling problem, 621-626 [Zbl 0799.05059]
Schnabel, R., Representation of graphs by integers, 635-640 [Zbl 0748.05062]
Zelinka, B., Domination in cubic graphs, 727-735 [Zbl 0745.05064]
Prömel, H.-J.; Voigt, B., A sparse Gallai-Witt theorem, 747-755 [Zbl 0737.05010]
Sysło, M. M., Independent covers in plane graphs, 779-785 [Zbl 0741.05055]


00B30 Festschriften
05-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to combinatorics

Biographic References:

Ringel, Gerhard