
Actions of discrete amenable groups on injective factors of type \(III_{\lambda}\), \(\lambda\) \(\neq 1\). (English) Zbl 0692.46057

Let \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) be representations of the discrete group G on the group of automorphisms of the von Neumann algebra \({\mathcal M}\). Then \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) are said to be cocycle conjugate if there is a cocycle w in the set \(Z^ 1_{\beta}(G,{\mathcal U}({\mathcal M}))\) of unitary \(\beta\)-cocycles and a \(\theta\) in the group Aut(\({\mathcal M})\) of automorphisms of \({\mathcal M}\) such that \(\theta \circ \alpha_ g\circ \theta^{-1}=Ad w(g)\circ \beta_ g\) for all g in G. Here the w(g) lie in the group \({\mathcal U}({\mathcal M})\) of \({\mathcal M}\) and satisfy the relation \(w(gh)=w(g)\alpha_ g(w(h))\) for all g and h in G.
Now let \({\mathcal M}\) be a \(\sigma\)-finite type \(III_{\lambda}\) factor for \(\lambda\neq 1\). Let \(\phi\) be a dominant weight on M and let Cnt(\({\mathcal M})\) be the set of all \(\theta\in Aut({\mathcal M})\) of the form \(\theta =Ad u\circ \sigma_ t\) where \(\sigma\) is the modular automorphism group of \(\phi\). The subgroup Cnt(\({\mathcal M})\) of Aut(\({\mathcal M})\) consists of those automorphisms which map a central sequence of \({\mathcal M}\) onto an equivalent central sequence. For \(\alpha\in Aut({\mathcal M})\), let N(\(\alpha)\) be the set of all \(g\in G\) such that \(\alpha_ g\in Cnt({\mathcal M})\). Then, for \(n\in N(\alpha)\), one can write \(\alpha_ n=Ad u(n)\circ {\bar \sigma}_{c(n)}\) where u(n)\(\in {\mathcal U}({\mathcal M})\), \({\bar \sigma}\) is the extended modular automorphism group of \({\mathcal M}\), and c(n) is a cocycle on the smooth flow of weights \({\mathcal F}({\mathcal M}).\)
The authors now give three invariants for \(\alpha\in Aut({\mathcal M})\). The pair (u(n),c(n)) gives rise to two invariants. The first one is the “characteristic invariant” \(\chi_{\alpha}\) which comes from comparing \(\alpha_{mn}\) to \(\alpha_ m\alpha_ n\) and \(\alpha_{gng^{-1}}\) to \(\alpha_ g\alpha_ n\alpha_{g^{-1}}\). The second invariant is the “modular invariant” which is a function of N(\(\alpha)\) into \(H^ 1({\mathcal F}({\mathcal M}))=Z^ 1/B^ 1\) given by \(v_{\alpha}(n)=[c(n)]\). The third invariant for \(\alpha\) is the previously known mod \(\alpha\) which is the image of \(\alpha\) under the fundamental homomorphism mod of Aut(\({\mathcal M})\) into Aut(\({\mathcal F}({\mathcal M})).\)
Now let G also be an amenable group. The authors then show that two representations \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) of G on \({\mathcal M}\) are cocycle conjugate if and only if (i) \(N(\alpha)=N(\beta)\) and \((ii)\quad \theta (mod \alpha,\chi_{\alpha},\nu_{\alpha})=(mod \beta,\chi_{\beta},\nu_{\beta})\) for some \(\theta\in Aut({\mathcal F}({\mathcal M}))\).
Reviewer: H.Halpern


46L55 Noncommutative dynamical systems
46L35 Classifications of \(C^*\)-algebras
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