
A general formulation for nonlinear initialization of a numerical weather prediction model. Experiments with a shallow-water limited area model. (English) Zbl 0687.76012

Summary: A nonlinear initialization scheme which does not require an explicit computation of the eigenmodes (normal modes) of the linearized equations, is considered. Such a formulation is needed for limited-area models or for variable-mesh models for which the computation of the normal modes is too expensive. The formulation of such a scheme is given in abstract form in the case of the Machenhauer algorithm, which retains the slow mode components of the observed initial state and removes the spurious high- frequency mode components in a way coherent with the nonlinear equations. It is conjectured that such a formulation of initialization can be written in the physical space only in the case when the slow modes are stationary. Various tests of such an initialization scheme for a shallow- water limited-area model are presented.


76B15 Water waves, gravity waves; dispersion and scattering, nonlinear interaction
76M99 Basic methods in fluid mechanics
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