
Digitale Bildverarbeitung. (German) Zbl 0682.68006

Berlin etc.: Springer-Verlag. XII, 348 p. DM 54.00 (1989).
Digital image processing is an interdisciplinary subject, in which at least four different disciplines directly are involved: mathematics, physics, engineering sciences, computer sciences. As such, any book on this subject will reflect the author’s background and stress the facts of the topic in its own domain. As stated in the introduction of the book, the author is working in physics; as a consequence the book seems to be more oriented to physicists and to engineers using processing in applications. Although in the fifteen chapters most of the usual topics in image processing are mentioned, some of them are only touched upon while others are worked through in detail. For instance, about one third of the book (chapters 12, 13, 14, 15, with a total of nearly 100 pages) is devoted to different aspects of movement; on the other hand, chapter 8 (texture), chapter 9 (segmentation) and chapter 10 (classification), consist respectively of 7, 6 and 8 pages. For those topics which the author did not work out the reader is referred either to books or (even recent) papers mentioned in the bibliography. Together with the fact that no exercises are given it may be concluded that the purpose of the author was not to write a “classroom” book, but to give the practitioners an overview of the whole subject, stressing some important application- oriented topics which are sometimes more difficult to find, and referring to the existing literature for the more classic and easy to find elements.
Reviewer: G.Crombez


68-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to computer science
68U99 Computing methodologies and applications