
Quiver concomitants are often reflexive Azumaya. (English) Zbl 0675.16015

Let Q be a finite oriented graph with vertices 1,...,n. Given \(d=(d_ 1,...,d_ n)\in N^ n\) and an algebraically closed field K of characteristic zero the set \({\mathcal R}(Q,d)\) of all K-representations of Q of dimension type d is the affine variety \(\prod_{\gamma: i\to j}K_{\gamma}^{d_ id_ j}\), where \(K_{\gamma}^{d_ id_ j}=K^{d_ id_ j}\) and \(\gamma\) : \(i\to j\) runs through all arrows in Q. The group \(Gl(d)=\prod^{n}_{i=1}Gl(d_ i,K)\) acts naturally on \({\mathcal R}(Q,d)\). The ring T[Q,d] of all polynomial maps \({\mathcal R}(Q,d)\to M_ t(K)\), \(t=d_ 1+...+d_ n\), which commute with the actions of Gl(d) is called the ring of quiver concomitants. Here Gl(d) acts on the matrix algebra \(M_ t(K)\) by conjugation. T[Q,d] is an affine Noetherian PI-ring. Under the assumption that the Ringel bilinear form of Q is symmetric and that d is a root from the fundamental chamber of Q such that \(d_ 1,...,d_ n\geq 2\) it is proved that T[Q,d] is a reflexive Azumaya R-order in a central simple algebra over the field of fractions of a normal domain R, except for three low dimensional anormalities. In particular T[Q,d] is a maximal order.
Reviewer: D.Simson


16Gxx Representation theory of associative rings and algebras
16H05 Separable algebras (e.g., quaternion algebras, Azumaya algebras, etc.)
15A72 Vector and tensor algebra, theory of invariants
20G15 Linear algebraic groups over arbitrary fields
14F22 Brauer groups of schemes
14M20 Rational and unirational varieties
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