
Unreasonable implications of reasonable idiotypic network assumptions. (English) Zbl 0668.92004

We first analyse a simple symmetric model of the idiotypic network. In the model idiotypic interactions regulate B cell proliferation. Three non-idiotypic processes are incorporated: (1) influx of newborn cells; (2) turnover of cells; (3) antigen. Antigen also regulates proliferation.
We next complicate this model by incorporating antibody production. Although this “antibody” model statically accounts for the same set of equilibrium points, it dynamically fails to account for state switching (i.e. memory). The switching behaviour is disturbed by the autonomous slow decay of the (long-lived) antibodies. After antigenic triggering the system now performs complex cyclic behaviour. Finally, it is suggested that (idiotypic) formation of antibody complexes can play only a secondary role in the network.
In conclusion, our results cast doubt on the functional role of a profound idiotypic network. The network fails to account for proliferation regulation, and if it accounts for memory phenomena, it “explodes” upon the first encounter with antigen due to extensive percolation.


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