
From vanishing theorems to estimating theorems: The Bochner technique revisited. (English) Zbl 0662.53037

This is a highly interesting survey article about more recent developments of the Bochner technique. The author states estimating theorems extending the original vanishing results of Bochner. He sketches 3 methods of proof and gives details in a series of appendices.
Reviewer: U.Simon


53C20 Global Riemannian geometry, including pinching
58J60 Relations of PDEs with special manifold structures (Riemannian, Finsler, etc.)
58J35 Heat and other parabolic equation methods for PDEs on manifolds
53-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to differential geometry
58-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to global analysis
58J50 Spectral problems; spectral geometry; scattering theory on manifolds
Full Text: DOI


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