
An introduction to three-dimensional climate modeling. (English) Zbl 0655.76003

University Science Books. Oxford-New York: Oxford University Press. XIV, 422 p.; £30.00 (1986).
This 400 page book has much to recommend it. There are many areas of scientific research these days which involve complex computing modeling. It is often difficult for those not directly involved to understand and appreciate the problems involved. This book enables the novice to do this and presents the quite extensive information required in a pleasant and entertaining way. The basic physical laws and parameterisations are explained in detail. Much emphasis is placed on methods of solving the basic equations. These are well illustrated by sample computer programs for solving a barotropic forecast model using finite difference and spectral transform techniques. The shallow water equations are used as an example for illustrating methods for solving the primitive equations of a fluid system.
Good descriptions are given of what simulations have achieved so far, in atmospheric, oceanic and sea ice models. Particular applications to topical issues are discussed with reference to atmospheric, oceanic and sea ice conditions at various periods in the past, El Niño/southern oscillation, climate effects of increasing CO\(_2\) and climate effects of nuclear war as well as considering the outlook for the future developments.


76-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to fluid mechanics
86-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to geophysics