
Robust oracle machines. (English) Zbl 0652.68058

Mathematical foundations of computer science 1988, Proc. 13th Symp., Carlsbad/Czech. 1988, Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 324, 93-106 (1988).
[For the entire collection see Zbl 0643.00024.]
The notion of a robust oracle machine and an oracle set “helping” a robust oracle machine has been introduced for better understanding the nondeterministic “witness searching” process in NP problems. It is shown that straightforward modifications of the original notion are closely related with other concepts in structural complexity theory, such as “self-reducibility”, “lowness”, and “interactive proof systems”.


68Q25 Analysis of algorithms and problem complexity
68Q05 Models of computation (Turing machines, etc.) (MSC2010)


Zbl 0643.00024