
A nonquadratic Bolza problem and a quasi-Riccati equation for distributed parameter systems. (English) Zbl 0632.49004

An optimal control problem for a linear evolution equation in a Hilbert space X is considered, \(dx/dt=Ax(t)+Bu\), \(x(0)=x_ 0\) where A is the infinitesimal generator of a \(C_ 0\) semigroup, \(B\in {\mathcal L}(V;X)\), V is the Hilbert space of controls. The cost function includes final and distributed in time observations \[ J(u)=M(x(T))+\int^{T}_{0}(Q(x(t))+(1/2)<Ru(t),\quad u(t)>)dt \] where M and Q are \(C^ 2\) convex functionals.
First the existence and uniqueness of an optimal control is proved and the first order necessary optimality conditions are given in the form of an integral equation. Then a quasi-Riccati operator equation is introduced. A normal solution of that equation is a nonlinear operator P(t,x) such that (1) P(t,\(\cdot)\) is a gradient operator (2) the corresponding closed-loop state equation has a global mild solution, and (3) having certain regularities. Any such normal solution yields a closed-loop optimal control. Then the nonlinear integral equation giving the optimal adjoint state at time s knowing the state at time t (t\(\leq s)\) is studied. Its solution mapping is denoted by K(s,t,x). Results on the existence, uniqueness and regularity of K are given. Finally, it is shown that \(P(t,x)=K(t,t,x)\) is a normal solution of the quasi-Riccati equation. An extension to differential games is proposed.
Reviewer: J.Henry


49J27 Existence theories for problems in abstract spaces
47A62 Equations involving linear operators, with operator unknowns
49K27 Optimality conditions for problems in abstract spaces
93C20 Control/observation systems governed by partial differential equations
35B37 PDE in connection with control problems (MSC2000)
35G10 Initial value problems for linear higher-order PDEs
35K25 Higher-order parabolic equations
47D03 Groups and semigroups of linear operators
49J20 Existence theories for optimal control problems involving partial differential equations
49K20 Optimality conditions for problems involving partial differential equations
93C25 Control/observation systems in abstract spaces
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