
Convergence acceleration and analytic continuation by means of modifications of continued fractions. (English) Zbl 0628.30002

In this survey paper on modified approximants of continued fractions, the new idea is to regard pre-value regions as value regions for modified approximants. This is used to prove convergence and to derive truncation error estimates for such approximants. This point of view is now generally accepted and used.
Furthermore, the paper gives simple introductions to the methods of convergence acceleration and analytic continuation by means of modified approximants. The modifying factors are chosen by means of auxiliary continued fractions. This includes the “fixed point method” of Gill, Thron and Waadeland.


30B40 Analytic continuation of functions of one complex variable
30B70 Continued fractions; complex-analytic aspects
40A15 Convergence and divergence of continued fractions
41A25 Rate of convergence, degree of approximation
65B99 Acceleration of convergence in numerical analysis