
Extension of characters in commutative Banach algebras. (English) Zbl 0621.46047

Let f:A\(\to B\) be a homomorphism of (complex unital commutative) Banach algebras. Let \(f^*:X(B)\to X(A)\) be the transpose of f: for every character \(h:B\to {\mathbb{C}},f^*(h):=h.f\). The main result says that \(f^*\) is surjective if and only if for every \(n\in {\mathbb{N}}\) \(f^{- 1}(U_ n(B))=U_ n(A),\) where for a Banach algebra D we set \(U_ n(D):=\{d\in D^ n:\sum^{n}_{i=1}Dd_ i=D\}.\)
Several corollaries are obtained concerning: a) the spectrum of \(H^{\infty}\); b) the cortex of a Banach algebra; c) the extension of characters of a Banach algebra A to the superalgebras of A.
Concerning this type of results see also ”Extensions of characters and generalized Shilov boundaries” by G. Corach and A. Maestripieri, Rev. Union Mat. Argentina 32, 211-216 (1986) and ”Generalized rational convexity in Banach algebras” by G. Corach and F. D. Suárez, Trabajos de Matemática, IAM, \(N\circ 114\) (1987), (preprint).


46J05 General theory of commutative topological algebras
46A22 Theorems of Hahn-Banach type; extension and lifting of functionals and operators