
Sparse Hensel lifting. (English) Zbl 0605.12011

Computer algebra, EUROCAL ’85, Proc. Eur. Conf., Linz/Austria 1985, Vol. 2, Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 204, 4-17 (1985).
[For the entire collection see Zbl 0568.00019.]
A new algorithm is introduced which computes the multivariate leading coefficients of polynomial factors from their univariate images. This algorithm is incorporated into a sparse Hensel lifting scheme and only requires the factorization of a single univariate image. The algorithm also provides the content of the input polynomial in the main variable as a by-product. We show how we can take advantage of this property when computing the GCD of multivariate polynomials by sparse Hensel lifting.


12E05 Polynomials in general fields (irreducibility, etc.)
12Y05 Computational aspects of field theory and polynomials (MSC2010)
68W30 Symbolic computation and algebraic computation
12D05 Polynomials in real and complex fields: factorization
13B25 Polynomials over commutative rings


Zbl 0568.00019