
Remarques sur les nombres d’entropie d’un opérateur et de son transposé (Some remarks on entropy numbers of an operator and its dual). (French) Zbl 0582.47022

It is still an open problem whether for every compact operator u, the entropy numbers \(e_ k(u)\) and \(e_ k(u^*)\) of u and its dual \(u^*\), are asymptotically of the same order. We prove here that for every \(\alpha >1/2\), there exists numerical constants C(\(\alpha)\) and C’(\(\alpha)\), such that for any compact operator u with values in a Hilbert space, one has: \[ \sup_{k}k^{\alpha}e_ k(u^*)\leq C(\alpha)\sup_{k}k^{\alpha}e_ k(u)\leq C'(\alpha)\sup_{k}k^{\alpha}(Log k)^{\alpha +1}e_ k(u^*). \] This result follows from he comparison between entropy numbers and Gelfand numbers for which similar inequalities are proved.


47B06 Riesz operators; eigenvalue distributions; approximation numbers, \(s\)-numbers, Kolmogorov numbers, entropy numbers, etc. of operators