
A method for evaluating improper prior distributions. (English) Zbl 0581.62005

Statistical decision theory and related topics III, Proc. 3rd Purdue Symp., West Lafayette/Indiana 1981, Vol. 1, 329-352 (1982).
[For the entire collection see Zbl 0575.00019.]
In this paper, we explore a formulation of a decision problem which, among other things, allows the evaluation of improper prior distributions via the posterior distributions they define. This formulation arose from an attempt to decide whether or not some of the classical fiducial distributions were in a decision theoretic sense ”reasonable” (e.g., admissible, minimax) decision rules.


62C10 Bayesian problems; characterization of Bayes procedures
62C05 General considerations in statistical decision theory


Zbl 0575.00019