
Quantum measures and states on Jordan algebras. (English) Zbl 0579.46049

In most mathematical formulations of the foundations of quantum mechanics, the bounded observables of a physical system are identified with a real linear space, L, of bounded self-adjoint operators on a Hilbert space, H. Those bounded observables which correspond to the projections in L form a complete orthomodular lattice, P, otherwise known as the lattice of ”questions” or the quantum logic of the physical system. For x,y in \(B(H)_{sa}\), the physicist P. Jordan defined the Jordan product of x and y by \[ x\circ y=(xy+yx)=(x+y)^ 2+x^ 2-y^ 2. \] So it is reasonable to assume that L is a Jordan algebra of self- adjoint operators on H which is closed in the weak operator topology. Hence L is a JBW-algebra. Mackey’s Axiom VII, makes the much stronger assumption that \(L=B(H)_{sa}\). Mackey states that, unlike his other axioms, Axiom VII has no physical basis but is made for technical convenience. He goes on to say ”It would be interesting to have a thorough study of the consequences of modifying Axiom VII... ” One of the technical advantages of Axiom VII is that it allows the use of Gleason’s theorem to identify the completely additive probability measures on P with the normal states.
Recently, the results of Christensen together with Yeadon’s work on Type \(II_ 1\) algebras, has shown that Gleason’s theorem can be extended to any von Neumann algebra with no Type \(I_ 2\) direct summand.
The main purposes of this paper is to extend the Gleason-Christensen- Yeadon theorem from von Neumann algebras to JBW-algebras. This removes one of the mathematical difficulties arising from weakening Axiom VII to the physically plausible assumption that L is a JBW-algebra.
The main results of this paper may be summarized as follows:
Theorem. Let M be a JBW-algebra with P(M) its lattice of projections. Let M be either type \(I_ n\) for \(3\leq n<\infty\), or type \(I_{\infty}\), or without type \(I_ 2\) direct summand. Then any measure on P(M) is the restriction of a positive linear functional on M.
Corollary. Let M be a JBW-algebra with no type \(I_ 2\) direct summand. Then any countably additive measure on P(M) is the restriction of a positive linear functional on M.
We make essential use of the methods of Christensen, Yeadon, Gunson, and Aarnes. It turns out that for the type \(II_ 1\) case the methods of Yeadon can be generalized fairly easily. On the other hand, we need to surmount a number of technical obstacles before we can cope with the properly infinite JBW-algebras. Indeed, type \(I_ n\), for \(n\geq 3\) gives rise to some non-trivial difficulties.


46L99 Selfadjoint operator algebras (\(C^*\)-algebras, von Neumann (\(W^*\)-) algebras, etc.)
17C65 Jordan structures on Banach spaces and algebras
46L51 Noncommutative measure and integration
46L53 Noncommutative probability and statistics
46L54 Free probability and free operator algebras
46L30 States of selfadjoint operator algebras
81P10 Logical foundations of quantum mechanics; quantum logic (quantum-theoretic aspects)
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